The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,50

to a half-elf? Wouldn’t they be reserved for a full blooded elf?” asked Jonas.

“No, elves do not hold disdain for mixed bloods. It is not welcomed or sought after, but if it happens, the elven community fully accepts the half-breed, bringing them into their society. But they are not allowed to marry a pure blood or bear children, so that the elven blood will not be diluted further. If they choose to marry an outsider, then they would be banned forever from the elven lands. I do not know anything about Allindrian’s family. She keeps to herself most of the time.”

“So why is she here, with the caravan?”

“You like to ask questions, don’t you, boy?” Cyn commented amiably.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Jonas grinned sheepishly, “but I’ve lived in a desolate mountain cabin my whole life and this is all so fascinating. I want to learn about the lands and our history, to learn to fight and protect.” Jonas wanted to tell the warrior his whole story but decided that now was not the time. He would keep his secret hidden a little longer anyway.

“Worry not, son. I understand. I was not being critical. The elves of Mel’un-riam send Blade Singers out from the forests of Aur-urien to gather information on the happenings of the lands around them, and to combat threats to its people. Their goal is to help maintain balance. They also act as ambassadors for the elven kingdom. They are similar to cavaliers in a sense. Cavaliers are sent by their gods to areas that need their help. Blade Singers randomly roam the lands looking for areas of intrigue, strife, or political unrest. They represent their elven queen throughout the surrounding lands. There are very few Blade Singers, as it is extremely difficult to pass the tests and the training. You should feel lucky to have met Allindrian. She befriended Landon several years ago and has been traveling with us ever since. The lands are alive with unrest now with the rumors of Malbeck’s return. There are stories of orcs and goblins amassing in the Black Lands and the Mazgar Forest. Maybe she feels she can learn a lot with us since we travel the many roads of Kraawn so frequently. I am happy her sword is with us. We are much safer because of it.”

“You mentioned the elven queen. Do they not have a king?” asked Jonas.

“Yes, they do. His name is Skywise Ell-Runore, protector of the Aur-urien Forest. But my understanding is that all female elves have an affinity with their queen and that she alone directs and controls the Blade Singers. I do not know any details of elven politics. They keep to themselves mostly and I’ve only met a few in my life, and what I’m telling you is more or less conjecture that I’ve heard from others.” Cyn looked down noticing the pommel of Jonas’s hunting knife protruding from his tunic at his side. “That is quite a hunting knife for a young huntsman who lived a secluded life,” he stated bluntly.

Jonas felt a little uncomfortable, knowing how his story might sound, but he figured the truth was always the best answer. “It’s not mine, or it wasn’t mine anyway.”

“I gathered that. I noticed that knife earlier. I can’t see the blade but the pommel is no ordinary pommel and it is not the knife of a mere hunter. Any soldier can see that.” The sound of their horse’s hooves on the merchant road filled the pause in the conversation as Jonas chose his words.

“It belonged to the cavalier, Airos. I found it on the battlefield by his body. It was too beautiful to leave in the snow and blood, amongst the dead.” Jonas looked up at Cyn. “Should I not have taken it? Should I give it to Landon, or Allindrian, or you? What should I do with it?” asked Jonas.

Cyn smiled, chuckling to himself. “It’s okay, son. You did nothing wrong. It would have been a waste to leave that weapon there. Keep it, or maybe return it to the High One’s temple in Finarth, it’s up to you. I hold no misgivings if you want to keep it. Do you mind if I see it?”

“Not at all,” replied Jonas, sliding the blade from the leather sheath and handing it to Cyn. The silver blade shone brightly in the midday sun as Cyn inspected it.

“Amazing weapon. It looks elvish. It must be worth a dragon’s horde. I would not readily display it Copyright 2016 - 2024