The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,48

arms were not yet accustomed to the movements that they were learning and they often went to bed at night with sore muscles and bruises from Allindrian’s stick. They would hear the warriors laugh every time Allindrian smacked them hard on the body, but, even after a few days, it became apparent that Jonas was much better than Fil with a sword, even if it was just a stick. He was quick and agile, and he did not tire as fast as Fil. The constant running, walking, and climbing he had been doing for the last two months had made Jonas’s muscles strong and fast.

Jonas thrived on the physical exertion, often staying up late into the night quietly going through the forms she had taught him. He began to do various exercises to strengthen his arms, stomach, and legs. Allindrian taught him certain movements that he could do alone to build muscle. A tree limb could be employed to pull his body up until his chin was level with the branch or he would lie on his back, lifting his legs off the ground and holding them steady until his stomach burned from the exertion.

This time Jonas hoped to score a touch on Allindrian. He knew that she wasn’t really trying, and he wanted to capitalize on that and surprise her with a quick touch. Jonas decided to launch an offensive attack first, before he was too tired and covered with bruises. He moved in quickly with the point of his stick, hoping to bait her to block the false attack. Allindrian swung her stick down to do just that, but Jonas rolled his stick under the parry, trying to smack Allindrian’s exposed right thigh.

He thought he had her but she suddenly wasn’t even there. She had flipped her stick from her right to her left hand and, effortlessly stepping her leg back from his attack, she swung down, smacking him hard on the right thigh, harder than normal thought Jonas. He jumped back ignoring the instinct to rub his stinging leg.

“Good idea, Jonas. That was a well-executed roll,” Allindrian praised him with a slight smile.

The three practiced hard for a while, Allindrian teaching them various moves and forms until the sun dipped its head behind the snow covered peaks forcing them to stop.

“Good work. You are both doing well. I am impressed with your dedication. Keep working on the forms and your strength and you’ll become swordsmen yet.” Allindrian had barely broken a sweat. She grinned at the two young men, who smiled broadly at her praise.

Allindrian tossed her stick to Jonas who grabbed it out of the air. The ranger smiled warmly at them both and then leaped into the darkness, melting into the forest as if she was never there.

Fil and Jonas blinked, thinking that it was the flickering firelight that was playing tricks with their eyes.

“I hate it when she does that,” remarked Fil with wonder.

“Someday, I want to be that fast,” responded Jonas.


The morning dawned with the promise of a beautiful spring day. The chilling mountain air was slowly being beaten down by the warm spring breeze flowing across the Finarthian hills. The rolling hills were astonishing. They were blanketed with pockets of budding oak trees and elms and the green meadows were specked with blooming mountain flowers. White spring beauties and indigo bluebells were spattered like paint on a green canvas.

Jonas rode ahead of the column on one of Landon’s horses. The burly captain, Cyn, rode next to him on his huge warhorse. They were both scouting ahead and Jonas was hoping to spot a nice buck so he could bring some venison to the table.

He still felt uncomfortable on a horse, never having had the opportunity to ride one, and Jonas was constantly shifting in the saddle as he tried to move with the horse’s gait. Cyn looked over at him; his sharp eyes twinkling with amusement.

“You haven’t ridden much, eh?” he stated bluntly.

Jonas sat uncomfortably with his bow resting across his lap. “No, I never have. My family was poor and we had no horses. Does it show that much?”

Cyn smiled at Jonas. “Make sure you don’t ride too long or by morning your legs and backside will be so sore you won’t be able to walk. You have to slowly get your body used to the movement. Be firm with the animal; make sure he knows who’s in control.” Cyn’s eyes scanned the forest and grasslands around them.

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