The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,210

took on a more defined shape.

“Have no fear, Gullanin. You have served me well and they will not harm you,” Malbeck said as he moved closer to the writhing shapes.

Gullanin stopped and looked at the beasts more closely. Their glistening skin had transformed into a more solidified look, huge and muscular, their skin rough like stone but the color of rusted steel. They were shaped like a large cat crossed with a bull, with strong powerful legs that tapered to padded feet tipped with black claws the size of knives. Their heads were dog-like, but much larger, with thick powerful jaws lined with black teeth. Their red eyes were sunk into a knobby forehead that was covered with a ridge of sharp spikes that went all the way down their spine. The spikes on their heads were as long as a man’s forearm, tapering down in size the farther down the spine they went.

The three beasts stretched and opened their mouths, emitting low, deep growls. They pivoted their red eyes toward Gullanin, causing him to step backwards even more. Malbeck approached them, reaching out with his left hand. One of the beasts moved toward him, its black claws clicking on the hard stone. Its chest puffed out as it growled, sniffing Malbeck’s hand. The beast curled its lips exposing sharp teeth dripping saliva. Malbeck stroked the beast’s head as the other two gathered around him. They sat on their haunches and then began to whine as if they were pets seeking attention from their master.

“The Hounds of Gould, Gullanin. Do you like them?”

“They are magnificent, my Lord,” replied the wizard uneasily.

“Do you have the article that I requested?”

“I do, my Lord.” Gullanin reached into his robe and pulled forth a gold crown glittering with jewels. “The crown of Tarsis.”

“Good. Bring it forth,” ordered Malbeck.

Gullanin approached the Dark One cautiously, the Hounds of Gould eyeing him hungrily. As he walked by them he detected a strange smell, like burnt hair. The beast’s red eyes bored into him. Gullanin shivered slightly as he handed the crown to Malbeck, then shuffled away from the hounds.

“Now, my beasts, smell the crown and get his stench.” Malbeck brought the crown to each beast and held it to their noses. They sniffed the metal and licked it with their rough tongues. “Hunt him down and kill him, and then return to me. Gullanin?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“How many Gould-Irin orcs do you have?”

“One hundred, my Lord.”

“Good. I want you to lead fifty of them into the Tundrens. Use this amulet to follow the Hounds of Gould. Make sure that Kromm and what is left of his followers are slain.” Malbeck handed Gullanin a red stone hanging from a black chain. “The amulet will give you control of the beasts and allow you to track them. Make sure that King Kromm and everyone with him is killed.”

“As you wish, my Lord.”


As soon as they had materialized back in the king’s tent, Kiln, with the injured and incapacitated prince on his shoulder, ran to the soft bed in the corner of the room. He gently laid the naked and bloody prince down and looked to Jonas for help.

“Jonas, can you help him?” he asked with concern.

Jonas had immediately followed Kiln to the bed and knelt next to the unconscious prince. “In Shyann’s name,” he whispered as he surveyed the wounds. There were several long pink scars on his abdomen and more than a handful of open and bleeding lacerations on his arms and legs. His face was bloody and bruised and his lips were torn and bleeding in several spots. He had obviously been repeatedly and severely beaten. Also, burned in the middle of his forehead was Dykreel’s brand, a circle of spiked wire. But the worst of the damage was to his groin. They had cut off his manhood leaving nothing more than a bloody stump of flesh. Jonas had never seen anything so horrible.

“Is the prince alive?” asked Alerion as he quickly moved next to the bed.

“Yes, he is breathing. But he has been tortured and severely wounded. By the looks of it they completely slit open his abdomen and then healed the wound with magic, just enough to stop the bleeding. Kiln, what are we to do? Those evil vermin have taken his…”

“Heal him, Jonas,” Kiln interrupted. “Bring him back from the darkness. But cover his body first.” Kiln’s voice was low and dripping with anger at the vile deed that had been done to such a Copyright 2016 - 2024