The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,184

before him. He could clearly see the blue feathered arrows embedded in the man’s chest, and that quick vision forced a brief smile through the pain. The wizard’s repel spell must have dispersed when he attacked the man’s mind.

“Are you okay, Jonas?”

Jonas recognized Taleen’s worried voice behind him. He looked up just as she rode next to him. He forced a painful smile to reassure her.

“I’m injured badly. I need healing…quickly.” He coughed up more blood as he fell to his back, his own feathered arrow protruding from his chest“In Bandris’s name, what happened?” Taleen cried as she quickly dismounted and rushed to Jonas’s side.

“Remove the arrow and heal me and I’ll be happy to tell you,” Jonas gasped.

Back among the hordes, Prince Baylin swung his axe in frantic strokes, hoping to keep the enemy away from him long enough to give someone time to come to his aid. His arm was tiring and he stopped momentarily as he noticed the orcs were no longer advancing.

Just then a huge orc pushed through the ring of enemies to stand before the tired prince. The enemy warriors, including the tribesmen, looked to the colossal monster for their orders. The orc wore thick plate mail that covered his muscled body. He was abnormally wide, which gave him the look of a walking boulder. In his right hand he carried a thick wood handle capped with a long chain. At the end of the chain was a heavy spiked ball of steel. The weapon, called a morning star, was large and cumbersome, but the massive orc carried it with ease. The beast’s yellow eyes narrowed with malice as it stepped closer to the exhausted prince. “You are Prince Baylin,” the orc growled. “I am Ongessett, war leader of the orcs.”

Prince Baylin was bleeding from several wounds and his arms felt like they were weighted down by rocks. He took a deep breath and stood up tall, holding his magnificent axe before him. “I do not banter with orc scum,” he growled back, launching his body forward, the sharp point of his axe leading the way.

Ongessett lifted his morning star, one hand grasping the handle while the other grasped the chain near the ball, using the thick chain like a staff to block Prince Baylin’s weapon. The orc chief moved quickly for someone so large. He stepped back as he deflected the prince’s axe with the thick chain of his awesome weapon. The orc continued the momentum of his parry, attempting to bring the heavy spiked head of the weapon down on top of the prince.

Prince Baylin continued forward, the heavy spiked ball slamming into the ground near him leaving behind a deep divot. He shifted his grip on the handle of his axe and rammed the razor sharp blade into the orc’s chest. But he could not find a seam in the beast’s armor and his blade slid across the armor harmlessly. The orcs armor was clearly enchanted as it so easily turned aside the prince’s powerful axe.

The orc growled, bringing its left mailed fist down on top of Prince Baylin’s head. He tried to dodge the powerful blow but his tired body wasn’t reacting. But the orc’s fist missed Baylin’s head and crashed instead into his shoulder. The power of the blow popped his shoulder from its socket. He screamed in pain and stumbled to the ground. Frantically he glanced up, struggling to get away, but all he saw was a large steel toed boot crash into his face. Teeth and blood erupted from his shattered jaw as he flew backwards to land heavily on the trampled ground. His vision blurred and darkness enveloped him as he heard the Orc chief’s words.

“Do not kill him.”

Then all went black.

The fighting throughout the battlefield was intense. Dagrinal used all of his skill to stay alive. He had no idea how long he was fighting when suddenly an orc before him shuddered in death and was launched to the side like a rag doll. Standing in the beast's place was Graggis, his bloody axe held before him. He was covered in dirt and blood but he did not seem hurt. Within moments they had killed any enemy nearby.

“Where is the prince?” stormed Dagrinal over the cacophony of the battle.

“I know not! I lost him when we hit the giants!” roared Graggis in reply. “We must find him!”

Suddenly a horn sounded above the din of battle.

“That was not ours!” yelled Dagrinal.

As they spoke they noticed the decimated Copyright 2016 - 2024