The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,178

he remounted his warhorse. “You look well, to say the least,” he added as he gazed at his armor and horse in open admiration.

Suddenly an enemy horn blasted through the noise of the battle. As they all looked toward the sound, they saw another enemy force rise above the hill. Fifteen armored hill giants lumbered down the hillside with long heavy strides, carrying huge war hammers as big as a man. The ground shook as each meaty leg moved them closer. Their black breast plates were painted with Gould’s white eye.

The remaining enemy cavalry disengaged from the fight and rode toward the giants. The remaining enemy infantry did the same, leaving a dazed and tired Finarthian force scattered across the field.

“In Ulren’s name,” whispered Dagrinal. “How do we fight armored hill giants?” The prince surveyed the scene quickly. There were several hundred horsed knights left, and maybe a hundred infantry nearby. Fighting continued farther down on both flanks, but their forces were busy trying to hold back the horde of orcs and tribesmen.

They would be alone against this powerful group.

“Look, Prince,” Jonas said as he urgently pointed towards the giants.

Prince Baylin looked again toward the enemy, and saw, crested on the hill, several men on horseback. Two were obviously warriors of Gould since they bore his mark, the other wore a black billowing robe and cape lined with red.

“Two knights of Gould,” Taleen said, answering their unasked question.

“And the other?” asked the prince.

“A dark wizard to the Forsworn,” she whispered.

Jonas looked around frantically. He saw many Finarthian warriors slowly retreating backwards as the huge giants, now followed by enemy cavalry and infantry, thundered towards them. Even the knights looked around with uncertainty, their horses prancing nervously underneath them. Jonas had to admit, the site of attacking hill giants wearing armor and carrying huge steel war hammers was nerve racking. They were so big and their weapons equally so that it looked like they would hammer their way through them with ease.

Tulari stood still and tall, fearlessly waiting for his master to make a decision. Jonas took strength from his steed, and digging deep within himself to find the courage and power he needed, he sent his prayers to Shyann, praying for the power needed to confront this force. He felt her energy infuse him as he called forth his light and rode Tulari before the men, his horse prancing back and forth as he spoke. But no one on that battlefield had ever heard a voice like his before. Jonas had no idea how he did it, but he spoke with the power of a god, his words carrying strength, courage and hope.

“Men of Finarth! I am a first rank cavalier to Shyann! Raise your weapons, and stand beside me to face this threat!” His voice echoed across the battlefield and it slammed into the men like a hammer wielded by Ulren himself. All fear and uncertainty seemed to dissolve from them and they stood up straight, gripping their weapons with newfound strength. “This is your land, and they stain it with their blackness!” Jonas felt Shyann’s power flow through him and fuel his words.

His voice was so amplified that even Taleen looked on with awe, his words infusing even her with increased vigor, courage, and the desire to destroy the enemy before them. She was no longer fearful, nor were the men around her.

“Knights! Form up with me, with your prince, and fight for your land and your families!” Jonas shouted. “Shyann is with us on this day!”

The remaining knights galloped into formation behind Jonas; some still held their long lances, but most had discarded them long ago for their cavalry swords. Their eyes shone with determination, their weapons held before them, Jonas’s light and voice saturating them with courage.

Graggis rode from the crowd and approached his prince, who also stood wide eyed as Jonas finished his speech.

“For your king! For Finarth!” Jonas yelled, raising one of his sabers in the air and turning Tulari towards the approaching enemy, his entire body glowing brightly.

“By the gods, I have never heard anything like that,” Graggis said in amazement.

“Nor I,” replied Prince Baylin as he directed his horse forward to lead his men. The magic in Jonas’s words spurred him forward confidently. He was not afraid, he would die this day if need be, and he would die next to his men, fighting for the land that he loved.

Dagrinal, Graggis, and Taleen followed close behind him. Soon they were all lined Copyright 2016 - 2024