The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,169

quickly and looked around at the chaos.

The small shield, or buckler as it was often called, had the diameter of his forearm and allowed him to use the reigns and block various attacks from the saddle. They were designed specifically for horsed combat and the Annurien Knights were experts in their use.

The cavalry skirmish was not going well for the Annuriens. They were being overwhelmed with superior numbers as the enemy had broken their ranks. It was now a free for all as Annurien Knights fought for their lives.

Lord Dynure rode up to his older brother, his face covered in sweat and splattered with crimson stains. He too had lost his lance and now held his long cavalry sword.

He nodded in greeting, no words needed to be said as they understood their situation.

“Stay with me, Brother,” King Olegaurd said softly, but with quiet intensity.

And with that he urged his horse forward toward the enemy line, his brother to his left, both with swords raised and fire in their eyes.


The black tribesmen barreled into the formation line taking many Finarthian men to the ground. The line broke immediately as the power and sheer numbers overwhelmed the already tired infantry.

The fighting became disorganized and fierce. The Finarthian reserves moved in to defend their brethren against the formidable warriors.

Fil jumped over a fallen comrade, swinging his sword down and through a tribesman’s neck who was preoccupied with defending himself from another attack. Wrenching his sword free of the dead man’s spine, Fil frantically defended himself against an onslaught of attacks.

The desert warriors were everywhere and it was all Fil could do to defend himself. He would block one attack with his shield while using his short sword to deflect any other blows. He began to feel the cold clutches of fear as he glanced left and right and saw his comrades in similar states.

Suddenly he felt a jabbing pain in his right side. He had turned quickly just as a curved sword lanced through his side from behind. The pain was quick and intense but Fil was forced to ignore it as he turned toward the new attacker. The warrior’s sword was stuck in Fil’s side and Fil had turned so quickly that it had ripped the sword from the man’s hand. Fil roared with fury, swinging his sword down, cutting through the screaming man’s arm just above the elbow. Fil followed the attack with a reverse swing, slicing through the man’s unprotected abdomen.

Fil didn’t even have time to pull the sword free from his side as more tribesmen attacked him. Luckily the sword had just cut through skin and some muscle so no vital organs were damaged. But the pain was immense as Fil fought; the sword bouncing and moving around inside his flesh. He gritted his teeth and embraced the pain as he fought for his life.

Suddenly a horse barreled its way to the front of the line, its rider swatting aside enemy warriors as he went. The rider swung his long sword down with a lightning quick strike that ripped open the back of the man who was attacking Fil.

Fil glanced up at the new rider and saw a dark haired man with steel gray eyes staring back at him. The man smiled, amazing Fil with his apparent confidence that seemed to surround him like a warm blanket. The warrior’s eyes shone with a focused intensity that reflected certain death to any who faced him.

Fil gave silent thanks that this warrior was on their side as the newcomer resumed his attack on the enemy ranks. He expertly maneuvered his horse left and right, cutting down any enemy that neared him. His long sword was a blur of green magical energy as he attacked the tribesmen, while staying in the center of the line at all times.

“To me, warriors, hold the center!” the dark haired man bellowed above the sounds of war.

The remaining Finarthian infantry fought and struggled to get near the horseman and reestablish the line.

Fil sidestepped a clumsy attack by one of the tribesmen whose sword glanced off his shoulder guard. He rammed his knee hard into the tribesman’s exposed stomach and the man keeled over, gasping for breath. He then brought the pommel of his sword down on top of the man’s head and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Fil looked up from the downed man and saw the horseman ride near him just as a massive spear took the stranger’s mount in the throat. The spear was Copyright 2016 - 2024