The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,16

King Ullis Gavinsteal, defeated him in battle. It is told by traveling bards that the king’s armor and sword were enchanted for the very purpose of slaying the Dark One. I’ve heard several different tales, one of which told that those weapons may have been created by the most powerful elven ekahals for that purpose.”

“What is an ekahal?”

“Ekahals are elvish wizards. They are very powerful. When King Ullis killed the Dark One, there was nothing left except a burnt and decimated battle field, no king, armor, sword…nothing.”

“What happened to the king and his armor?” asked Jonas leaning forward eagerly.

“No one knows. It is a mystery. Some say that the elves hid the armor and sword, but no one knows for sure.” Gorum read Jonas’s eager expression and changed his tone. “Remember, son, when the fighting starts I want you to hide. If we are defeated, they will not stay long. They will kill, feed, and then be on their way. There is a good chance that you will survive if you stay hidden. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir. But I still wish I could fight with the rest of you.”

“There will be no fighting for you young man,” Lorna said, entering the room from the bedroom. The tension of their situation was evident on her face. Her eyes were swollen from crying and she was visibly distraught. Lorna squatted on her knees in front of Jonas and held him at arm’s length. “Now listen, son. I want you to do exactly what Gorum has said. You must hide and stay hidden. Do not make a noise until the fighting is over.”


“You will obey me,” she said, ending the conversation. “Gorum, do you have a suitable hiding spot for my son?”

“Don’t you want to put him with the rest of the children and elders in the grange?” Gorum asked.

“No, I want him near me and I do not trust how they would treat him.”

Gorum nodded knowingly. “I have a place.” Gorum stopped sharpening the old blade, setting the sword on the heavy oak table next to him. “But it will be dark and dirty,” Gorum replied as he stood. “When the fire is not lit in my clay oven, there is a spot inside where a child could hide safely. It will be full of soot, but that may actually help conceal him and disguise his smell.”

They all walked through the back door and into his bakery. The large oven was just to their right, the heat from the clay warming them as they neared it. Gorum opened the iron door and dampened the fire.

“I’ll put the fire out now so it has time to cool down. When the fighting starts, that’s where we’ll put him.”

“What about you, Mother? Where will you be?” asked Jonas. The thought of hiding in that dark and dirty hole terrified him. But the thought of being separated from his mother was even worse.

“I will be here, helping where I may. Don’t worry son, I will be right here with you the whole time. I would never leave you,” Lorna said, another tear dripping slowly down her cheek.


Airos checked the gate one more time, making sure the solid oak bar was firmly in place. Satisfied, he moved along the northern wall, reassuring the men as he went. He was wearing his shiny silver breastplate with the High One’s symbol embossed on the chest. He wore matching greaves and forearm guards, both covered with intricate runes and symbols. His armor was polished so brightly, that, like a mirror, it reflected everything that was near. A beautifully crafted long bow was strapped to his back and his sword swung gently at his side. All the men looked at him in awe as he passed them, reassuring them with a pat on the back, a smile, and his very presence. He seemed to suck the tension out of the very air and replace it with calm determination.

Airos knew the attack would come tonight; he could feel it. That was one of his many abilities, being able to detect evil, to feel it as it drifted through the air like a poisonous mist. Airos was not afraid, for death had no hold on him. He had given up his own personal desires many years ago to serve a greater good, to serve the High One who had picked him as one of His warriors. And he had served Him well. He would live or die in His service, holding no regrets. Copyright 2016 - 2024