The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,144

colors of white to black. The symbol itself was gray and black while the background was white in contrast. There was silver inlaid writing over the top of the symbol that Jonas thought was elvish.

Taleen read it out loud. “Araste makatar nih daia dadutha dandis”

“What does it mean?” asked Jonas.

“Some must live by the blade to stand against the shadow,” interpreted Kiln. Jonas liked the saying, smiling as he contemplated its meaning.

They stepped across the symbol into the entryway. Sunlight shone through colorful stained-glassed windows highlighting a large double door before them. The walls were lined with expensive tapestries and paintings. There were wide cathedral hallways on their left and right, each ending with extravagant stone stairways leading to another level. The hallways were lined with thick stone columns and statues of magnificent warriors in various poses.

“This place is beautiful,” muttered Jonas in awe. Taleen approached the large double doors in front of them. The doors were made of thick oak and in the center was an inlaid carving, presumably created from a softer wood. The carving brought a smile to Jonas as it was clearly Shyann’s oak tree.

As Jonas glanced around the incredible room he noticed it was covered with many different carvings. Parts of the ceiling, walls, and stone columns were covered with impressive carvings so detailed they seemed to be alive. He saw Ulren’s four-pointed star, Bandris’s double bladed battle-axe, Shyann’s oak tree, Inis’s rose, and the symbol of Nomis, God of farming and weather. His symbol was a scythe. He noticed the trident head symbol of Halyean as well.

Taleen walked up to a large metal gong that was placed next to the door. She grabbed the wood mallet and hit the gong once, the sound reverberating through the halls and echoing off the tall ceiling.

“That won’t go unnoticed,” said Kiln.

A few minutes later as the trio was inspecting the expansive entry, the door in front of them opened, and an old man appeared, wearing a long gray robe of fine cotton. Tall and thin, his straggly gray hair draped a face that looked like a dried out grape. He held a carved wooden cane that supported his bent body as he walked. Around his neck was a silver necklace that bore the symbol of Halyean, god of the seas. The man’s face was passive as he ran his eyes over the trio standing before him.

“Good evening, priest, I am Taleen, cavalier to Helikon. This is Jonas Kanrene and Kiln from Finarth. We seek a conference with the council.”

The old man fixed his gaze on Kiln first and then Jonas. His eyes lingered on Jonas for a while and suddenly Jonas felt something jab at his consciousness, something subtle but intrusive. It felt like light tendrils were slowly wrapping around his brain, looking for something.

Jonas reacted on instinct. He threw up a cognitive barrier and reached out mentally towards the old man. “It is not polite to enter one’s mind without permission.” Jonas was shocked that he was actually conversing silently with the man.

The priest’s eyes flared briefly with astonishment but he quickly regained composure, smiling softly. Jonas was equally shocked. He had not known that he could mentally speak inside the minds of others. Another of the cognivant powers of which he had not been aware.

“Forgive me Jonas Kanrene. I did not know you were a cognivant. It is standard policy to probe the minds of any that wish entrance into the kulam. Guests do not even know of the intrusion, unless of course they are cognivants, which is so rare that it has yet to happen, until now of course. Rest assured that I do not intrude in their minds for more than the few seconds it takes me to ascertain their purpose here.” The old priest smiled warmly at them all. “I am Rayall, high priest to Halyean.” The priest looked at Taleen, bowing his head slightly. “It is good to see a cavalier. I’m afraid we have not had a cavalier here for many months.”

“So I’ve heard. Thank you Rayall, it is good to be here,” replied Taleen.

Rayall looked at Kiln, nodding his head in greeting. “General Kiln, your reputation precedes you. I did not know you were still alive.”

“Alive and well, Rayall,” replied Kiln.

“And you, young man. What brings a cognivant who looks like a cavalier to a Kulam?”

“Sir, meaning no disrespect, I would like to tell that story to the entire council. That is why I am here.” Jonas wondered if Copyright 2016 - 2024