The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,142

face that was completely devoid of hair except for his bushy mustache. His face glistened with perspiration and his cheeks were slightly flushed from his work. He had the look of an old burly warrior who had put on some extra pounds.

“My friends and I need two rooms and food,” Kiln replied.

“No problem at…” Bomm stopped in mid-speech as he looked at Jonas and Taleen, “all. You’re cavaliers. It is good to see you both. I am Bomm and I own this place.” The big man reached out, shaking each of their hands.

“I am Taleen, cavalier to Helikon.”

“My name is Jonas.” Jonas could not quite bring himself to say he was a cavalier. It didn’t feel right considering that he had not been through the same training as Taleen.

That omission did not sneak by Bomm and he eyed Jonas curiously, but something told him not to press the issue. Bomm finished by shaking Kiln’s hand.

“And I am Kiln, of Finarth,” Kiln said.

Bomm’s hand stopped in mid-shake and he looked at Kiln with surprise. “General Kiln?” He slowly released Kiln’s hand.

“The same, but just Kiln now.”

Bomm looked at Jonas, Taleen, and then back to Kiln. After a few seconds he recovered from his surprise. “Well, it seems I have some esteemed guests tonight. We don’t have much warm food available yet. The kitchen is getting prepared for dinner, but I can get you some dried meats, bread, and the best cheeses from Cer’une if you’re interested in that.”

“That will do nicely,” Kiln replied.

Bomm walked over to a back wall, removed two sets of keys, and handed them both to Kiln. “You can take room three and four. Why don’t you get settled in your room and I will have Wes, my son, bring up some hot water so you may refresh yourselves. Would you like the meat platter in your rooms or down here?”

“Down here is fine. When will the dinner crowd arrive?” asked Kiln.

“Around sunset.”

“Thank you. We will be down momentarily to eat. How much do we owe you?” asked Kiln.

“Nothing, your presence here is payment enough.”

“We thank you for your generosity,” Kiln said, tilting his head down in a barely perceptible bow.

“It is my pleasure, sir,” Bomm replied with a smile.

Jonas and Kiln took room three while Taleen took room four. The rooms were large and clean just as the soldier had promised. Each room had a large glass door that opened up onto a narrow balcony that looked at a garden courtyard. It was just after mid-day and the sun’s rays shone brightly through the door, spreading shadows throughout the room.

It wasn’t long before they heard a knock at the door. Jonas went to the door and opened it. There was a young boy standing in the doorway holding a steaming bucket of hot water.

“You must be Wes?” Jonas said kindly.

The boy was young, maybe ten, and his round freckled face shone with the vitality of youth. His sandy blonde hair draped his head like a mop. The boy’s eyes were wide and sparkling with excitement. “I am, sir. Are you really a cavalier?”

Jonas laughed, looking around the room like he was going to tell the boy a secret. “I am, young man, can you keep that a secret?” Jonas whispered.

“I sure can, sir,” whispered the boy in return. “But won’t people know you’re a cavalier just by looking at you?”

“You may be right, young man,” laughed Jonas. “You are very observant.”

“Thank you, sir. If you need anything you just let me know. I am really tough and my dad taught me how to punch.”

“I will certainly look for you, Wes, if I need help. Now why don’t you put that water in the wash basin.”

“Yes, sir.” Wes stepped inside, moving quickly to a large copper bowl sitting on the table. He poured the hot water into the bowl and laid down two clean towels next to it. “There you go, sir.” Wes looked at Kiln for the first time and walked over to him boldly. “I am, Wes, sir. Are you a warrior too?”

Jonas choked back his laughter while Kiln smiled down at the boy. “I am, young Wes, but I am no cavalier.”

“I want to be a warrior also, but my father just wants me to work here.”

“Your father runs a good establishment. It is a noble profession and you should be proud to have that opportunity.”

“Yes, I guess so. Well I better get back to my chores. I have a lot of work to do Copyright 2016 - 2024