The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,136

spell before, but Alerion did not get to where he was by being careless and impatient. The words must be recited exactly or he would not be able to access the magic of the Ru’Ach and summon the demon. The ancient words he guarded with care and magical wards because if they got into the wrong hands the power of the book could be used for evil, which Alerion would not allow. The wards, spells used to protect the book, were designed to incinerate it if anyone but him opened it. It would be devastating to lose the book, but it would be far worse knowing that his life’s work was being used for dark deeds.

Alerion took a deep breath and began to recite the words slowly and exactly. Words of magic were much more difficult to use than people suspected. Not only did they have to be read correctly, but the inflection and tone must also be perfect for the Ru’Ach to be tapped. His words rolled off his tongue smoothly and perfectly. His voice gained in tempo and power as he read the ancient words from the heavy book.

Slowly a mist began to form at the center of the symbol. The swirling smoke-like mist drifted upwards, meandering back and forth in a cylintrical shape.

Alerion did not look up or falter from recitation of the spell; it could mean certain death. The pit fiend would rip him to pieces and he would stand little chance in stopping the demon. He might also permanently transport the pit fiend to their own plane. Alerion could not let that happen. He continued reading from the book, his voice now booming with power in the large stone room.

Suddenly all the braziers in the room flared and were suddently extinguished, leaving only the four candles in each corner of the symbol shedding any light. The air felt heavy and dark and Alerion knew that Ixtofin was entering their realm.

After reciting the last word of power, Alerion looked up at the drifting smoke. He heard a deep rumbling, like the slow growl of a huge dragon, and the mist began to change and take on the shape of a figure. Alerion could just make out the form of two large bat-like wings slowly opening and expanding to reveal the upper body of a giant muscled torso. The mist slowly materialized into the upper body of the pit fiend, while its lower body was a tendril of smoke that was connected to the center of the symbol.

Ixtofin’s body was colossal, with heavily muscled arms extended wide as if it were stretching. The demon’s clawed hands opened and closed, the massive muscles on its forearms rippling and flexing with each movement. The demon raised its head slowly, exposing two black horns curving upwards. Its mouth opened revealing black fangs as long as fingers. Red eyes, glowing with fury, were set deeply in the demon’s thick bald head. Tendrils of smoke drifted from the demon’s red scaly skin as if it were burning from an immense internal heat.

Alerion felt his resolve flutter as Ixtofin’s eyes flared with malice, centering on him with obvious hatred. The demon’s voice was gravelly and deep, shaking the very floor. “What do you want, human?” spat the demon.

Alerion knew that the demon would tear him to pieces if it could, but as long as his magical barrier held, and he was strong enough to manage the magic, the demon would have to answer his questions.

“Ixtofin!” Alerion bellowed. “I need information.” Alerion purposely used the demon’s real name. Knowing the beast’s magical name gave Alerion some control over the demon and it reminded the pit fiend that he was in control.

The demon growled at the use of his name, the noise causing Alerion’s eardrums to vibrate. “You have two questions.”

“Three, you will answer three questions,” ordered Alerion with confidence.

The demon roared, shooting its giant hands toward Alerion.

Alerion did not move or flinch, concentrating on the task at hand. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he focused his mind on the magic around the barrier. Ixtofin hit the magical barrier and was repelled back toward the center of the symbol.

“You know you cannot break through my defenses, Ixtofin.”

“You will make a mistake, wizard, and when you do I will be there to rip your arms and legs from that pitiful shell you call a body. Now ask your three questions so I can leave this place,” rumbled the angry demon.

Alerion had thought about his questions Copyright 2016 - 2024