The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,134

become cavaliers for the wrong reasons. Your thoughts and desires cannot be hidden from the gods. After you pass that test then you are trained in weapons, combat, and many other advanced skills.”

“Like what?” Jonas asked with interest.

“Like horsemanship, movement of armies, sieging of a city, politics, royal etiquette, languages, history, reading and writing, and so on.”

“That must take a long time.”

“The first part of a cavalier’s training takes five years. Once that is completed then they move on to the tests of strength.”

“Physical strength?” interrupted Jonas.

“No, strength of body and mind together. The amount of magic that a cavalier can control is directly related to their constitution. It is not totally understood, but there are some people who can withstand more than others. They need to determine the strength of each candidate. This is what determines the ranking. There are first, second, and third rank cavaliers. Third rank cavaliers have the power of God Light and dispelling evil. Second rank cavaliers, like myself, can bring forth God Light, heal, and dispel evil, while first rank cavaliers have all of those powers plus they can wield God Fire. God Fire can be used in many different ways, and the strength of the user will determine what they can do. Each cavalier, even within their ranking, has certain ranges of power. Some are more powerful in certain areas than others, but always a cavalier is trained in combat. If they pass the tests then they will be marked as an expert swordsman, their God Mark covering their hands.” Taleen glanced down at Kiln’s hands and her eyes twinkled with interest.

Kiln did not miss the brief look. “You expected a mark?”

“I did. I had heard you were the best.”

“I think such marks are signs of vanity. Besides, why warn an enemy of your skills,” Kiln replied.

“In most cases I would agree with you. But the cavalier’s mark is not a mark of vanity. The God Mark is designed to uplift men and women and ensure their confidence in the cavalier. The mark is a deterrent for evil and violence, a warning so to speak.

“I do not see a mark on your hands, Taleen,” Jonas said curiously.

“I could not pass the master swordsman tests. I am good, but not that good. My skill is with the bow,” replied Taleen with no hint of arrogance. “Anyway, if the candidate has passed the tests of combat and magic then they must be put on trial.”

“Trial? What do you mean?” asked Jonas.

“The cavalier candidate must prove their faith by passing several tests. The first one is a test of pain. If a candidate makes it this far, there is high probability that he or she will fail here. The candidate is tortured by high priests of their faith.”

“What! Tortured, by their priests?” This time it was Kiln who responded with disbelief.

“Yes. To ensure the faith of the candidate, they are tortured for five days. Their bodies are cut, burned, and broken, with the idea that at the end of the fifth day their god or goddess will heal them. The Forsworn are constantly hunting and looking for ways to corrupt or destroy cavaliers. If a cavalier is captured, the tortures that they would endure at the hands of that evil would be incomprehensible. This test will help prepare them for the possibility of that happening. If they keep faith through that intense ordeal then they will pass the test. If not, then they will be healed and released from training, never to be a cavalier.”

“And you went through that?” Jonas asked in amazement.

“I did. The hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

Jonas and Kiln both looked at Taleen with newfound respect.

“The next trial is called the Balnock, or dream test. The candidates are put into a trance by their priests. In this trance they are assaulted by various demons and monsters and the candidates must use their powers to defeat them.”

“Are the demons real?” asked Jonas.

“No, but they seem real. In that state everything feels real, including pain. If you die or retreat, you fail that test and are released from training forever.”

“How long does it take a candidate to pass all the tests and become a cavalier?” Kiln asked.

“It takes around six years. As you can imagine, very few make it through all these tests. Candidates must prove themselves in purity, combat, and faith, which very few can do. If we lose all our cavaliers, then it will take too long to train more. We cannot die, Copyright 2016 - 2024