The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,131

in disbelief as he inspected the wounds. There were only small pink scars to remind him of the horrible injuries that almost killed him. “How can this be?”

“Taleen and I healed you,” replied Jonas. Kiln looked at him and then looked at Taleen, his hard features suddenly broken by a gentle smile.

“I am Kiln. We are deeply indebted to you. You’re a cavalier to Helikon?”

“I am. How did you know I’m from the west?”

“We call Helikon, Bandris, but the western symbol for Bandris is different, longer in the blades with different markings. I recognize that symbol on your cuirass.”

“You are very observant.”

Kiln continued to look at Taleen and Jonas felt a twinge of jealousy. “I take it that it was you who came to our aid last night?”

“It was.”

“Again, we are in your debt,” Kiln said for a second time.

“No, you are in Helikon’s debt. He sent me here to find this young man.”

“I see.” Kiln looked at Jonas with concern. “How did you fare, Jonas? I don’t remember much after that demon lanced me in the back with its spiked tail.”

“I was hard pressed. I fought it with God Light and my blades, but the beast had magic of its own and countered mine. He injured me badly before Shyann came to my aid again and helped me burn it badly with flame.”

“It’s called God Fire. Not all cavaliers have such a gift. Most are not strong enough to wield that power,” interjected Taleen.

“I sent God Fire into the demon and that forced the beast back. It was just about to attack me again when Taleen came to our aid. The demon then charged her.”

“And that is when I lanced it with my sword, a second time,” added Kiln remembering.

“You stabbed it twice? I couldn’t see with all the blood in my eyes but I knew you were battling it. How did you counter the demon’s spell?” Jonas asked.

“I don’t know. I broke the demons trance just before its spiked tail slammed into my side. I was able to get my blade up to deflect most of the power, but it still cut me, and the pain was severe, far more than it should have been for those wounds.”

“It was poison. You never should have been able to counter the spell or fight off the poison. Your spirit is very strong, Kiln, only a cavalier or powerful priest would have been able to counter that demon’s power. However, charms and spells of the mind can sometimes be countered by mentally strong and disciplined warriors, which I assume is why you were able to do so.” Taleen spoke with obvious respect in her voice.

Kiln, uncomfortable with the praise, looked away, stretching his tired limbs some more. “Jonas, I’m sorry that I couldn’t finish the beast,” he said regretfully, lifting both hands towards the sky to loosen his sore muscles.

“It was not your fault, general, anyone, including a cavalier, would have a slim chance against that beast by themselves,” Taleen commented as she went to gather her backpack.

“You know who I am?”

“I do. I recognized your name.”

“Really? My name is known in the west?” Kiln asked.

“Your name is known to all warriors, sir.”

“My name or my disgrace?” Kiln retorted bitterly.

“A little of both I’m afraid,” replied the cavalier as she dug out some provisions from her pack.

“I see.” Kiln stared at Taleen for a moment with his cold gray eyes, but she held his stare, her bright blue eyes showing no hint of judgment. Kiln’s face softened as he picked up his pack. “We can talk more later. I see you’re hungry as well. Let us eat breakfast.”

Taleen simply nodded in affirmation.

“Yes, I am starving,” added Jonas as he went to his pack.

They ate a warm breakfast of boiled oats mixed with honey that Taleen had brought with her. They used a sweet brown bread to clean the wooden bowls. Jonas was famished after expending so much energy and the food did wonders for his tired and sore body. They finished off the meal with cups of boiling water that Taleen had mixed with several herbs. It tasted very similar to the drink that Jonas’s mother used to make him in the morning, and that thought made him smile as he sipped his tea.

The trio was quiet as they ate; the only sounds came from the chirping birds that flew back and forth over the grasslands, eating their morning breakfast of bugs.

Finally Kiln broke the silence. “Since you are a cavalier, Copyright 2016 - 2024