The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,122

Shyann was with him, whether he lived or died.

The beast flicked its tail in agitation and Jonas noticed the long sharp spikes that covered the twitching appendage. “I have killed many of your brethren, but you are the one that I’ve longed to destroy,” rumbled the beast, its voice the epitome of evil.

The Greever stared at the two warriors, its red eyes carrying the weight of its hatred for all that is good. The beast began to growl, a low menacing sound that reverberated through their bodies. The sound was entrancing and Jonas’s sword tips began to slowly sag as his eyes began to close. The resonating sound got louder and Jonas felt his body teeter on the edge of consciousness.

Suddenly light flared within his mind and his body tensed, dispelling the demon’s magic. Jonas’s eyes sprung open and the demon roared in defiance. Jonas glanced to his left and saw Kiln swaying back and forth, his sword point touching the ground. The beast was using magic, using its voice to spell them. Shyann’s magic had freed Jonas from the demon’s grasp, but Kiln was still in danger as his eyes fluttered, barely maintaining consciousness.

The demon swung its tail in a powerful arc at Kiln as it shot its wing tips toward Jonas. Jonas screamed, hoping to wake up Kiln, and brought up his swords in desperation, trying to deflect the deadly wing points. His magical blades created a wall of razor sharp steel as he retreated quickly from the attacks.

Kiln felt dizzy and tired, the low growling from the demon resonating in his mind like a mother’s lullaby. But Kiln was strong in spirit, and in the state of Ty’erm even a powerful demon would have a hard time spelling the mentally tough warrior.

Kiln snapped his eyes open as Jonas screamed, and he lifted up his blade as the beast’s tail barreled into him like a spiked boulder. His blade deflected the powerful stroke slightly, but the sharp spikes still raked deep cuts across his shoulder and the momentum of the strike sent Kiln flying backwards.

He landed hard on his back, the impact of the fall not noticed as the pain of the three cuts shot through his body. The lacerations burned agonizingly; Kiln knew that these were no ordinary wounds, that the demon’s tail must be poisonous. He rolled around on the grass, moaning with pain as the poison found his blood stream and began to do its work. Kiln used his powerful mind, concentrating on dismissing the pain and pushing it aside so he could stand and fight this demon. He sought his center, focusing on it, willing his heart rate to slow and his breathing to relax. He pushed away the pain, attempting to ignore the effects of the poison. Gritting his teeth he grabbed his sword, lifting himself to his feet.

Jonas, seeing Kiln so severely wounded, was filled with fury. He dug deep within himself and brought forth his God Light with a brilliance that he did not think possible. He shone like a star. The beast hissed, retreating slightly, giving Jonas a quick reprieve from the deadly and ferocious attacks of its spiked wings and claws.

Jonas attacked without hesitation, despite the sinking feeling that filled his mind knowing that Kiln had been grievously wounded. He fought with all the skill that he had been taught, ducking and pivoting as his two glowing blades spun a glowing weave of steel.

The demon hissed in anger as he felt the sting of the magical blades, and the blinding brilliance of Jonas’s light. But the Greever had his own magic and he brought it forth with malice. Suddenly the area around Jonas was blanketed in darkness; a blackness so thick and dense that it extinguished his God Light. Jonas couldn’t see anything, and he backed away with his swords spinning defensively in front of him, while the Greever could see as if the sun were shining brightly. The demon beat its wings once, and springing with its two powerful legs, it flew through the air above the deadly blades and landed on top of Jonas.

The impact of the demon sent Jonas flying onto his back, and the full weight of the beast crushed the air from his lungs. Jonas felt the bite of the demon’s long talons trying to gouge holes through his magical armor and chain mail. Jonas struggled, but his arms were pinned by the demon’s powerful legs.

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