The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,120

crackling fire and the chirping of the crickets, had a relaxing effect on the tired warriors.

Jonas looked up from the fire, gazing at the sparkling stars above them. It was a beautiful night, the air was warm and still and the bright moon and stars gave the countryside a bluish glow.

“It’s so calm out here,” Jonas said softly. “It’s like time is standing still and all your worries no longer exist.”

Kiln looked at Jonas and then followed his gaze to the sparkling dots of light. “I spent many evenings doing just this, looking at the stars above the craggy peaks of the Tundrens. Wondering what I was doing with my life, wondering how Cassandra was, how my king and my men were faring. A warm fire and a calm summer night have a way of making you look within yourself.”

Jonas looked at his friend and mentor. “What are you going to do, Kiln?”

Kiln looked at the glowing red embers as he thought about the question. “I’m not sure, but I think you came to me for a reason, Jonas. You’ve brought me out of the trance that I’ve been living in for twenty years. I think my lands are in danger and that the people of Finarth need a general again.”

“Do you think Malbeck, the Dark One, has returned to Kraawn?”

“I’m not sure, but some evil is back; you, of all people, know that. Banthras were created by Malbeck so it makes sense that he might be back. Someone or something of great power may have brought them back, I know not. But your village was attacked by a Banthra and I don’t think it was by chance”

“What do you mean?”

“Jonas, your village was attacked by a Banthra, you were attacked by boargs, twice, and a powerful agent of Naz-reen. And then you were attacked by a demon. I agree with the king in saying that you are the target. The evil that stirs is afraid of you, and they want you dead,” Kiln finished with emphasis.

Jonas looked away from the warrior, got up, and stirred the red-hot coals with a stick. Being a target of such enemies was not an easy thing to grasp, but Jonas had thought about it much and he could not argue with the logic. Shyann had obviously picked Jonas as her champion, and in doing so had made him an enemy of her enemies.

“But what can one person do, what can I do?” asked Jonas, confused.

“The power of one, Jonas, think on it. Malbeck was one person, and what did he do a thousand years ago? The king’s great ancestor, King Ullis Gavinsteal, slew Malbeck in battle, and he was only one person. I have used my skills in war to turn the tide of a battle and bring us victory where we should have suffered defeat. I have seen a farmer with a sword stand his ground in war and instill courage in others who would have run, which in turn affected the outcome of the battle. He was just one person whose own actions greatly affected the world around him. The list goes on. Jonas, never underestimate the power of one person.”

Jonas nodded his head and stirred the coals some more, thinking about what Kiln had said. “I won’t,” he said after a few moments.

“I hope not, because I am a good judge of character. You are the type of man that shoulders that power and responsibility; you will change Kraawn, Jonas. I can feel it.”

Jonas felt the weight of Kiln’s words on his back. If it were his destiny, then he would carry that weight, with both swords in his hands.

Jonas looked up again and saw that dark clouds had begun to drift across the sky, eclipsing the moonlight and bathing the area in darkness.

Kiln looked up as well, noticing the change in light. “Strange those clouds would move in so quickly,” he said. Jonas frowned, looking around; something didn’t seem right. Kiln noticed his expression and spoke with concern. “What is it? Do you hear something?”

“No, that is the problem. There are no more crickets,” Jonas said as he stood up. Then he felt it, the familiar tingle on his chest. It was Shyann’s warning. Jonas instinctively brought one hand to his chest, a move not missed by Kiln.

Kiln quickly slid his blade from its scabbard, the ringing of steel echoing in the still night. “What is it?”

“I’m not sure, but something evil is near, that much I know,” Jonas Copyright 2016 - 2024