The Cavalier - By Jason McWhirter Page 0,114

The scent of lavender filled the clearing and the gentle chirping of small forest birds created a peaceful symphony of sound.

As he neared the back of the tree he noticed a large opening at the base of the trunk. It was shaped like an inverted V and at the bottom of the opening was a set of stone steps that went down, underneath the oak’s root structure. The deer was nowhere to be seen.

Kiln approached him. “Do we go down?” he asked.

“Yes,” replied Jonas, mesmerized by the magic of the place.

Jonas led Kiln down the dusty stone steps. Vines and roots draped the walls as they went deeper into the ground. The air smelt of wet moss after a morning rain. The passage was dark, but as they stepped from the last step onto a stone floor, the room instantly lit up as torches ensconced on the walls flared brightly.

Kiln looked at Jonas in surprise.

“It’s okay. We are supposed to be here. No harm will befall us in this place. Don’t you feel it?” Jonas asked, his eyes scanning the room.

“I do. I just wanted to make sure that you felt it too,” answered Kiln with a smile. There were six torches lighting a round room about twenty paces in diameter. The floor was covered with thick dust and completely empty except for a massive stone sarcophagus resting in the middle.

“Is that what I think it is?” asked Kiln.

“I think so,” replied Jonas in complete awe. He slowly stepped toward the stone coffin. The entire structure was carved with intricate designs. On the lid was etched a beautiful oak tree that looked similar to the mark on Jonas’s chest. The sides of the stone coffin were covered with carvings of Ulren’s four-pointed star. The work was intricate and the lines graceful and smooth, obviously the work of a master craftsman.

Jonas put both his hands on the coffin closing his eyes in prayer. He recognized the gift that they were given in being allowed to see this place and he wanted to thank Shyann for the honor she had given them.

“Jonas, look,” Kiln said with wonder.

Jonas opened his eyes to see a shining silver set of chain mail lying on top of the coffin. The metal shirt sparkled in the torchlight like diamonds. Resting on top of the chain mail was a metal breastplate that was covered with Shyann’s silver and blue oak tree. The symbol was perfect, the lines clean and fluid. The blue and silver sparkled in the light, causing the cuirass to glow as if it were alive. There were metal greaves, faulds to cover the hips, wrist guards, thigh guards, and shoulder plates. Each piece of the armor had a mirror like finish and was covered with intricate etchings of Shyann and the High One.

There was also a leather belt that carried two magnificent swords. The handle of each blade was carved from the horn of a deer and capped with shiny steel. The scabbard was hardened black leather enforced with polished steel and covered with intricate carvings and runes. The belt buckle was shaped in the image of the silver and blue oak tree of Shyann. The polished metal sparkled with beauty.

Next to the chain mail shirt was a long black bow and a quiver of matching arrows with silver and blue feathers. The leather quiver was lined with silver and stamped with more symbols, some of which Jonas recognized as Ulren’s and Shyann’s symbols, as well as others that didn’t look familiar. The tips of the bow were capped with carved white deer horn and the handle was also deer horn wrapped in black leather.

The item that really caught his eye was the silver helm resting at the head of the coffin. There were two deer horns jutting from the shiny steel. The entire helm gleamed and every inch of it reflected the god-like presence that Jonas felt when he gazed upon it. Jonas just gazed in awe at the treasures, his mouth agape.

“Where did all this come from?” Jonas asked.

“When you touched the coffin, they just appeared,” answered Kiln, moving a bit closer. “Is this really Shyann’s grave?”

“Yes, it is. I can feel it. I can sense her all around us.” Jonas reached out and grabbed the handle of one of the blades. It felt warm to his touch and the handle felt like it was made to fit his hand. He slid the blade out with one smooth motion. The metal rang and Copyright 2016 - 2024