Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,87

all a misunderstanding and things are fine now.”

“That’s good to hear,” he says. “Sorry I just showed up unannounced.”

“Nah, man, it’s fine,” I chime in, wrapping my arm around her waist so both of them know she’s mine. “I appreciate you coming to check on her.”

“Of course.”

“Lovely…” Nick interjects. “If this cheesy Hallmark moment is over, can we get back to the money you owe me?”

I swallow hard, trying like hell to contain myself in a room filled with Bishops and guests.

Snapping my eyes to Trace, I smile. “Why don’t you go into the dining area and help yourself? My son’s mother is in there and a few of Rowan’s family members.”

“Alright, sure. Thanks.” Trace walks around me, and then I turn to Rowan. “I’m going to take Nick outside for a little chat.”

Her eyes widen in fear, but I flash her a wink. Then I stalk toward Nick and nod toward the back door. He follows, and once we’re off the porch, I turn around and cross my arms. Nick matches my stance, and his smug frat boy look has me wanting to punch him in the face.

“You’re brave comin’ here like this, especially after the last time.”

“She owes me money,” he counters.

I bring a finger to my lips and tap twice. “You broke her heart, and she broke your car in return. Sounds even to me, so ya need to go back to where you came from and never step your preppy ass on this property again.”

“This doesn’t involve you.” He scowls.

I squint and tilt my head at the dumb motherfucker. “See, that’s where you’re wrong.” Stepping forward, I push his chest, and he stumbles back, losing his balance. “Anything involving my girl involves me.”

He pushes back. “She owes me money, and I’m not leaving till she pays.”

This little cocky fucker. “Perhaps you didn’t hear me the first time?” I crack my knuckles. “No one’s paying you a dime.”

“Then I’ll report that whore for vandalizing my property. I have the video and will hand it over to the cops.” He flashes an arrogant grin and spins around.

I quickly grab his collar before he can walk away. Fisting his shirt in my fingers, I rear back and deck him in the face. His hands cover his nose as he hunches over.

“I warned you,” I remind him. “You threaten her with that video or the money, I’ll fuckin’ hit you. Your stupid ass didn’t believe me.”

“You broke my nose!” he whines, moving his hands away to reveal blood.

“It won’t be the only thing I break if you don’t stop harassing Rowan. But if you be a good little boy and stay the fuck away, I won’t break any more of your bones. Deal?”

“Fuck you,” he spits, blood dripping from his chin.

I pat his shoulder with a smirk. “Good. Glad we had this nice chat. Should I walk you to your car?”

He shoves me away, then makes his way around the B&B to the parking lot. Looking at my knuckles, I see they’re already red and starting to swell.

The asshole better stay away this time.

I walk back into the B&B and smile when I see Rowan sitting with Dawson on her lap. My whole world in one beautiful view.

Chelsea and Trace are in the middle of a conversation, so I sit on the other side and grab Rowan’s hand.

“He likes you,” I tell her.

“He’s a toddler. He’ll like anyone who plays with him,” she retorts.

“I doubt that.” I laugh. “It means a lot that you still want to be in my life after everything I’ve put you through. I didn’t exactly handle it in the best way and—”

“Adam,” she says my name, stopping me. “Yes, you should’ve told me what was going on sooner, and I should’ve confronted you about Chelsea. We’re gonna need to work on communicating if we want this to work long-term.”

I nod in agreement. Rowan’s my everything and future. The last thing I want is to fuck it all up. “Definitely. Complete transparency from now on, Scout’s honor.”

She snorts. “You weren’t a Boy Scout.”

“I totally could’ve been!”

Dawson starts giggling at our laughter. “You think I’m funny, right?” I smirk.

He nods and starts talking. I love hearing him ask questions and point at things.

“He’s precious,” Rowan swoons. “Definitely your mini.”

I hate that they have to leave today. “I’m gonna miss him.”

Chelsea stands and frowns. “He’s gonna miss you, too.”

Holding back my emotions, my throat goes dry, but I nod. This is all so new, yet it feels natural. Copyright 2016 - 2024