Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,73

odd since you got back, and I have a feeling the common denominator here is you. If I find out you touched her, I will kick your ass to San Antonio and back. I’m not even kidding.”

“Riley. You need to chill out. Geez. First of all, Rowan is a grown ass woman who doesn’t need you making rules for her. Second, I don’t know what’s going through her head right now. I try to talk to her, and she ignores me, but then again, what else is new?” I leave out the part where I’ve texted her every single day since our chat on the trail, and she’s ignored all of them. Nothing can shake her stance on this, but I’m determined to break her down. I’ve done it once, and I know I can do it again. Rowan’s gonna have to try a lot harder to keep me away because I’m not giving up on her or us, ever. What we have is real, and we both know it.

He glares at me just as his uncle Jackson walks through the back door, causing a much-needed distraction from this conversation. “What’re you boys doin’?”

“Eatin’,” I say, but that much is obvious as I stuff another spoonful into my mouth.

“Don’t tell Maize, but I came to get a few slices of apple pie. Mama told me she baked a few for the guests tonight, and I haven’t been able to stop thinkin’ about it.” He grins, walks over to the buffet, and grabs an entire pan, not just a few pieces like he said. When he turns around, Maize is standing there with her hands on her hips and nostrils flared. She’s actually pretty damn scary when she’s in a mood.

“What do you think you’re doing, Uncle Jackson?”

I snort, but she’s seriously pissed.

“That’s no way to speak to your most favorite uncle now, is it?” He gives her a wink, then walks past her and leaves.

Maize’s mouth falls open, then she turns and looks at us. “This—all of this—is for the guests. I don’t need y’all eatin’ everything when we have a full house. I’m gonna have to start making double.”

Riley snickers. “I don’t know why you haven’t done that already. Nothing’s changed, Maze.”

“Shut. Up,” she barks, then storms into the kitchen.

“I’m telling you, they’re all experiencing the time of month at the same time,” I quip, and Riley shakes his head before standing.

“Guess I should get going. Honestly, I came to get one of those apple pies too.” He walks over and grabs one, leaving only one for the guests. Maize comes around the corner, and Riley takes off running with her right behind him. I can hear commotion through the living room, and eventually, she comes back huffing and puffing.

“At least I’m not that bad,” I tell her as she walks by.

“I’d murder you if you were. I deal with them because I have to,” she says matter-of-factly before disappearing out of sight.

I chuckle, finish eating, and set my perfectly cleaned plate in the dish tub before leaving. On my way out to the truck, I decide to go home, take a shower, and go to bed early. I have a ton of shit to do at work tomorrow, and though it’s hard, I’m trying to give Rowan some space.

The next day, I’m in the saddle all day long rounding up cattle and moving them to another pasture. It might be late August, but it’s still hot as hell outside. The temperature isn’t expected to drop for a few more months, but we’re prepping for winter already. Barns are full of hay, and I’ve made sure to get extra grain for the cows for when the grass completely dies. Today, Riley didn’t ride my ass or even mention his sister, so I’m hoping the conversation we had yesterday eased his mind. Though I didn’t completely lie to him, it wasn’t the whole truth, which I hate, but he can’t find out yet.

While I don’t want Rowan and me to stay a secret, if she refuses to give me another chance, that might be how it goes. Though it’ll be extremely hard for me to accept.

After work, I go home to clean up, then head up to the bar. Rowan may not want to see me, but it’s killing me not to see her. Even if she gives me shit or ignores me, it’s better than nothing at all. I put on the baseball cap I know she loves, spray Copyright 2016 - 2024