Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,6

“It won’t.”

“Since it’s getting hot out there, ya need to ride around and check the wells and make sure the water troughs are full. I know the pond out in the far pasture is drying up, and we can’t have those cows getting dehydrated. It’s so dry the rain ain’t gonna do nothin’ but evaporate as soon as it lands. Not much shade after all. Can’t afford to lose any of them due to the heat,” Alex explains.

“I’ll get right on it,” I tell him, finishing every hot drop of coffee, then head out.

Riley follows behind me, laughing his ass off.

“Way to make me look bad in front of your old man.” I scowl, narrowing my eyes.

“He already knows how you are, Big D.” He waggles his brows. “Don’t forget, we gotta drive to Houston tomorrow and help my sister with all her stupid shit.”

I grin at him with a smug expression. “You know I won’t.”

He shakes his head. “Oh God. Don’t you be gettin’ that look in your eyes like that. You know she hates you.”

“I think that means she’s got the hots for me. Maybe you can put in a good word and have her start calling me Big D, too?” Just seeing him squirm is worth every second.

“Shut your damn mouth, you dumbass.” He groans. “Tomorrow morning, we leave before the sun rises. Four o’clock sharp. It’s a long ass drive, and I wanna get there and back as fast as possible.”

I know it’s because he wants to be with Zoey, and I can’t blame him, considering she’s eight months pregnant. He’s supposed to be on pre-baby duty right now, but he can’t seem to stay away from the ranch life, even if it means meeting at the shop for ten minutes. He’s addicted to this, just like the rest of us. Tomorrow, we’ll be on a tight schedule, and I’m sure he’ll be in a mood. If Zoey goes into labor while we’re gone, I’m not sure he’ll ever forgive Rowan or his dad since we were voluntold to help.

I throw him a grin. “Whatever you say, Daddy.”

He pretends to gag as I hop in my truck and crank it. I roll the window down and holler at him. “See you in the morning after I dream about your sister sittin’ on my face.”

As expected, he flips me off and walks away, but it’s all in good fun. Though when it comes to Rowan, I’m never joking. If she’d let me, I’d hang the damn moon for her. We haven’t spent much time together because she’s been at the University of Houston for the past four years and only comes home during her breaks, but it doesn’t matter. My feelings for her haven’t changed.

Something about Rowan makes my blood pump a little faster and my adrenaline rush. Rowan Bishop’s a goddamn firecracker, sassy as can be, and Southern to the core with her values. One day, I’m going to make her mine, and I’ve been telling Riley that since we were kids, even if he’s been warning me away from her for that long too. He thinks I’m too unreliable and unable to settle down, but he’s wrong. She may be dead set on loathing me, but I’m still convinced she’ll eventually get on board. Hopefully.

I drive out to the old barn where Grayson is busy saddling the horses. He looks at me over his shoulder and shakes his head before tightening the strap. Hopping out of the truck, I walk over to him.

“Where the fuck have you been?” he asks.

“That is no way to talk to your boss,” I snap, then grin. “Overslept.”

“You dumbass. I already sent the boys out to the far pasture to round up the cows and move them. Saddled Meadow for you so we could ride over to the wells and make sure they’re good. I think the pump on the east side needs to be rewired. It was making a noise a week ago.”

“A noise?” I prompt. “And you decided to say something now?” Releasing a deep breath, I shake my head and walk over to Meadow and climb on. He’s a red quarter horse who loves to run and ride through the mud. We’ve had some great days together even though he’s young, spunky, and doesn’t always listen.

Once my feet are in the stirrups and Grayson is on his horse, we take off down one of the yellow trails that shortcuts over to the little water shack we need Copyright 2016 - 2024