Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,22

girl!” she says, noticing my outfit. “You’re gorgeous as ever!”

I willingly take the compliment. It’s the first time I’ve seen her since I moved back.

“We look like trouble.” I giggle. We grab our purses and head to the Honkey Tonk bar down the road. Kenzie doesn’t turn twenty-one for a few more weeks, so she’s our designated driver, which is a good thing because honestly, getting drunk is the only thing on my to-do list tonight.

We immediately walk up to the bar, and I order a soda for Kenzie and three shots.

“To Rowan turning the big two-three and all of us celebrating together!” Maize says, and we all clink our glasses together. I smile wide, then shoot the tequila down. It’s smooth and goes down like water, which is dangerous as hell. Moments later, Maize orders another round.

“I’m not going to have any more,” Elle tells us after the second one. She’s always been the responsible one and follows the rules. “I don’t want to drive back home tomorrow with a hangover.” She winks.

Once the liquor is flowing through my veins, we sashay onto the dance floor and shake our asses. Martina McBride blares through the room, and we sing along to an oldie but a goodie as loud as we can. The music fades, and a slow song comes on, and I’m brought back to being that girl who isn’t asked to dance as Maize and Kenzie go off with two guys. Instead of letting it get to me, I go back to the bar with Elle and order a cocktail as I get lost in my thoughts on being single forever.

“How’s work going?” I ask her.

She groans. “Busy, as usual. I work nonstop.”

I chuckle. “Well, your boss is drop-dead gorgeous, so it can’t be that bad to be around him all the time.”

“True. He’s a walking, talking wet dream. I think people feed their dogs chocolate just so they can get an emergency home visit from him. It’s pathetic. I mean, I get the allure, but he’s kinda an asshole, which is a total turn-off.” She smiles, but there’s something more behind her tone.

“Who’s an asshole?” Kenzie walks up and asks as Maize continues dancing with this tall, good-looking fellow.

“Dr. Connor Wallen.” Elle says his full name with an eye roll. “He’s good with animals and turns on the charm with their owners, but behind closed doors, he’s brooding and snappy,” she explains. “And that’s after he’s had his morning coffee.”

“Oh damn.” I chuckle, thinking how it sounds like Dr. Wallen needs to get laid and how long it’s been since Elle’s been in a relationship. She could probably help turn his attitude around.

“The things I’d let him do to me.” Kenzie releases a dreamy sigh, elbowing Elle in the arm.

“Before I forget, who’s that guy who works with Diesel again?” Elle asks, noticeably changing the subject away from her boss. I glance out on the dance floor and notice Maize still’s shaking her ass with a guy who seems super interested in her.

“You’re probably talking about Grayson. A little shorter than Diesel, sandy brown hair,” I describe him and watch as Kenzie tenses. We make eye contact, but she tucks her bleach blond hair behind her ear and pretends it’s nothing, but I saw her reaction.

“Yeah, that sounds like him. Is he new? I saw Diesel with him the other day when I was dropping something off for Uncle John.” Elle glances at Kenzie.

“What? I don’t know anything about Grayson.” Kenzie sucks on her straw, checking out of the conversation, which causes me to laugh. I’ve noticed she snaps at him any chance they’re in the same room together, though she’s never given us a reason. She only says he’s annoying and leaves it at that.

“He’s been around for five or six months. I think he’s Kenzie’s age,” I tell Elle, glancing at Kenzie.

She shrugs with a look of indifference. “So? Doesn’t mean I know anything about him.”

I laugh at her expression, but I see something in her eyes. She’s not telling us something, but I don’t push her on it.

A few minutes later, Maize joins us and orders a drink too. We all turn and look at her.

“Please tell me you got his number,” I say, looking past her at the sexy guy across the room she was grinding against the last few songs.

She shakes her head. “He didn’t ask me for mine, and I wasn’t gonna dare to make the first move. It’s all the Copyright 2016 - 2024