Catching the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch #2) - Kennedy Fox Page 0,12

still an unfortunate possibility.

A knock rings out on my door, and I roll over and check the time on my phone. It’s nearly nine in the morning, and I’ve been up for a while, just thinking about how strange life is at the moment.

Another knock taps out. “Rowan?” my mother says from the other side.

“I’m awake.”

The door cracks open, and I sit up.

“I made breakfast. Come eat before I put everything up.” She gives me a smile, and I nod, twisting my hair into a high bun.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” I put my feet on the floor and follow her into the kitchen. Mom doesn’t disappoint and has a whole spread of food on the table. I know she probably got up early and had breakfast with Dad, then made this for me. After I fill my plate with bacon, eggs, and a biscuit with a huge scoop of gravy, I smile.

“You’ve outdone yourself, Ma,” I tell her around a mouthful.

She shrugs. “I’m off work today, so I thought I’d spoil you a bit.” She works as a nurse at the hospital in San Angelo, and her shifts are typically long.

Before I can say another word, Dad walks through the door. He goes straight to Mom and pulls her into his arms and kisses her. Their love is beautiful, and even though I’ve been burned, I hope one day I find what they have.

“Okay, gross,” I say as the kiss deepens. “I don’t want breakfast and a show.”

Dad laughs. “You do know how you were made, don’t you?”

I put my fingers in my ears. “I was delivered by a stork.”

The last thing I want to think about this morning is my parents doing it. That’s a visual I can live without for the rest of my life.

Mom giggles, but I’ve known how babies were made since I was ten. Considering her job, she was determined to give Riley and me the sex talk as soon as puberty hit. Then we both proceeded to tell all the other kids at school, which got back to Grandma Bishop, who was ready to kick our asses. She was so embarrassed, but I’ve never seen Dad laugh so hard.

Dad talks about the ranch and his daily duties as I finish eating. “You workin’ tonight?

“Mm-hmm.” I finish chewing. “I’m supposed to meet Uncle John around five. I should be finished learning everything within the next month, and then he’s gonna let me loose.”

“Oh lord,” Dad says. “Well just know if running the bar doesn’t work out, you can always help Maize in the kitchen at the B&B.” He grins.

“Hard pass. I didn’t go to business school to cook. Not to mention, I’m horrible in the kitchen. Plus, Maize is a hard-ass perfectionist. One time, we made cupcakes, and she nearly had a hissy fit because of how I iced one. No thanks!”

Dad chuckles and shrugs. “Don’t know where she would’ve gotten that trait from.”

His sarcasm isn’t lost on me.

“Not from Uncle John,” I say, and we both laugh because Maize’s exactly like him—meticulous to a T. He follows all the rules unlike his twin brother, Uncle Jackson. The two are complete opposites.

Mom fills a mug full of coffee and blows on it before taking a sip. “What are your plans today?”

I shrug. “Not much going on other than hoping Zoey has that baby before I have to go to work.”

Mom and Dad both grin. We’ve been eager and waiting for Zach to be born, and after her last appointment, we were told it could happen at any moment. I’m just ready to become an aunt so I can spoil my nephew rotten. Grandma Bishop is growing impatient too because it’s her first great-grandchild.

“Mama’s been praying about it all morning,” Dad says with a wink.

“You know when Grandma sends messages to God, things happen.” I laugh, but I’m not wrong.

Dad checks the time and tells us he has to get back to work before anyone notices he’s gone. We say our goodbyes, and I finish my bacon.

Once I’m done eating, I help clean the kitchen. Afterward, I hop in the shower and get dressed, then go to the B&B to see what’s going on today. It’s weird being home, and it’ll take some getting used to after juggling a hectic schedule in college.

When I walk inside, Uncle John is sitting behind the counter and Maize is leaned over talking to him. Her dark hair is pulled back into a bun, which is normally Copyright 2016 - 2024