To Catch an Earl - Kate Bateman Page 0,102

I took them again last night.”

Camille shot her a sly sideways glance. “Do you not?” she said softly. “Was it not to prolong the game you have been playing with Lord Melton?”

Emmy scowled. “That would be idiotic. I’m too tired to keep on running. I don’t want to be a fugitive for the rest of my life. But how can I give them over and let Bow Street return them to the fat Prince Regent and the undeserving Lady Carrington?”

“From what Lord Melton told me last night, there might be another option.”

Emmy raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Like what?”

“Well, he didn’t go into detail, but he did suggest that if I were to contact you, I should tell you he had a proposition to make to you. One that doesn’t involve you being prosecuted, and one that would see most of the jewels handed over to the French government.”

Emmy sent her a derisive, disbelieving look. “You don’t think it’s a ruse to get me to give myself up? You think he means it?”

“As a matter of fact, I do,” Camille said pensively. “He said to tell you he trusts you to do the right thing.”

“Ha! That’s rich. He doesn’t trust me as far as he could throw me. Why on earth should I trust him?”

“Because you’re in love with him?”

Emmy dropped her head back onto her knees with a choked sound “Oh, God. I am. It’s awful.”

“Come here, darling.” Camille settled herself on the rug next to her and put her arm around her. Emmy rested her head on her grandmother’s shoulder.

“Do you know the precise moment I knew I was in love with your grandfather?”

Emmy shook her head.

“It was the day I found him hunched over next to an open window, looking at something on the sill. Anthony—your grandfather—glanced up with a guilty start when he heard me enter the room, and his cheeks turned a delightful shade of pink. He angled his body to try to hide whatever he was up to, but when I demanded to know what he was hiding, he moved aside so I could see.”

Emmy lifted her head and Camille smiled in fond reminiscence.

“A bumble bee lay on the sill. It was almost dead, but he’d placed a teaspoon of honey next to it. As we watched, the bee stuck out its little tongue, or antenna, or whatever it is bees have, and started to suck up the honey. Within a minute it had recovered enough to wander around, albeit a little drunkenly. Within two minutes it started to buzz its little wings, and then it was off, into the sky. Anthony was obviously highly embarrassed at having been discovered undertaking such an unmanly task, but the smile he gave me melted my heart. That’s when I knew. He was handsome, of course, and quick-witted, but more than that, he was good-hearted. He was the kind of man who helps grumpy old dowagers across busy streets. I knew then that I would love him forever.”

Camille stroked a lock of Emmy’s hair from her cheek. “This man, Alexander Harland. A blind man could see the attraction between the two of you. He has a handsome face and a strong pair of arms. But you know what they say: ‘handsome is as handsome does.’ What of his heart, Emmeline? What do you think his attitude is toward bees? And grumpy old dowagers?”

“He would give the bee some honey, and the dowager his arm.”

Camille gave a decisive nod. “Well, then. I approve wholeheartedly.”

Emmy managed to snort. “Even if I am in love with him, what does it matter? He doesn’t feel the same way about me. I’m just unfinished business, a criminal who must be brought to heel. I’ve hoodwinked him and hidden things from him since the day I met him.” She gave a watery sigh and squeezed Camille’s hand. “I know I have to face him. But I need a little time. Do you think you can keep him away for a day or two?”

“Of course, darling. Take as much time as you need. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you the other news! Luc and Sally are engaged.”

“They are?”

“Yes. As soon as Lord Melton left last night Luc asked for a private word with Sally. I took one look at his face and knew exactly what he was going to ask her. There’s nothing like a near-miss to put everything in perspective. I’m just surprised he’s taken so long to do it.”

“And she said yes?”

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