The Catalyst - By Zoe Winters Page 0,1

a leftover roast and put it on the counter. The pup's tail wagged as he gobbled up the food. She placed a bowl of water down, and he took care of that, too.

He stared at her from the top of the counter as if to say What next? Oh wow, yeah. She hadn't thought through that part. If he was just lost, his mother would be coming soon. If he was all alone, she couldn't have a wolf in her house. Even understanding what he needed, it was just insane. And probably illegal.

He positioned himself on the edge of the counter, shifting his weight from paw to paw, negotiating the drop to the ground. His full concentration was on the jump. When he made it to the linoleum, he looked up at her, all pleased with himself, and she melted. So cute.

"Well, maybe you can stay for a little while until I figure out what to do with you." Those words had barely tumbled past her lips when the window over the breakfast nook shattered, and a large ball of black fur leaped into her kitchen.

It must be the mother. But no. As her confusion cleared, she saw it was a large, angry black panther.

Fiona edged back, afraid he'd pounce if she made any sudden moves. What she wouldn't give right now to have a few handy incantations at the ready. For spells, she needed all the proper tools: sage stick, herbs, candles, salt, etc. She could incant a little if she was very focused, but now, with her heart pounding so fast, wasn't one of those times. Her own name was a blank - forget coming up with a snappy protection chant.

She grabbed at stray pots and pans and emptied a whole drawer of utensils as she threw everything she had at him. He batted the objects away, prowling closer, his growl low and menacing. Within seconds, he had her backed into a corner, claws out, swiping at her.

She screamed and grabbed her bleeding arm. Her side burned as well. All at once, her brain snapped into sharp focus. She was going to die in a matter of seconds if she didn't figure something out right now.

He'd stopped clawing at her for a minute and was growling, something about her taking the pup, wanting to hurt him, people after him. Oh, wait. Wait! She felt the magic crackle around the panther. Therian! That meant there was a person in there. Somewhere.

She called on every reserve of courage she had to form words. "I wasn't trying to hurt him. He was lost and hungry. I brought him in to feed him. That's all. I'm not whoever you think I am."

The panther stared at her hard and growled again.

"Yes, I understand you."

How is that possible? He growled.

"Rare gift. I meant the pup no harm. I swear." She held her hands out defensively, hoping he believed her. An animal attack wasn't how she wanted to go out. Blood dripped in a steady flow down her arm; her shirt was torn near her ribcage where more blood was pooling. Oh God. That swipe alone could have killed her.

Breathe, Fiona. He's calm now. Everything will be fine. Thank God he was a therian and could understand her as well as she understood him.

She still couldn't figure out what a panther's concern with a wolf pup was. But really, all she wanted was to get the both of them out of her house and call a window repairman. She was trying to forget the bleeding part. She vowed she'd listen to the birds next time.

So you can understand him? The panther's gaze shifted to the pup who gingerly stepped around the broken glass, sniffing things.

"Well, he doesn't have language like you have yet, but I know what he needs. My gift runs a little deeper than just speech."

He shifted - right in the middle of her kitchen. Her eyes didn't know where to go. Tanned, muscular legs. And... oh dear, skip that, skip that! But her brain had already processed parts of a man she'd never seen outside of television or the Internet, due to her phobia. There weren't a lot of opportunities to hook up with men when you never left your house.

Farther up, were very nice abs and pecs - and those arms. Oh boy. She swiped the back of the hand that wasn't bleeding across her face, afraid she might be drooling. She wanted to lick him, but under the circumstances that Copyright 2016 - 2024