Cast in Wisdom (Chronicles of Elantra #15) - Michelle Sagara Page 0,178

rooms at the time. He didn’t look exactly pleased to see Kaylin, but his eyes retained their predominantly golden hue, and he did offer drinks and refreshments. For once, Kaylin declined.

Emmerian spoke briefly with Sanabalis, whose eyes did shift to a more martial orange. He nodded, and Emmerian left—no doubt to speak with Lord Diarmat and the Emperor, the two Dragons not yet in the loop.

“I hesitate to ask what you’ve done this time,” Sanabalis said when Emmerian had left them. “I note the Arkon and Bellusdeo did not join you here. What is the current emergency?”

“The Arkon,” Kaylin replied.

“He was injured?”

“Not precisely. Look—I’m tired. No, I’m exhausted. I want to go home and put my feet up someplace where they won’t get bitten off. But Lord Emmerian and Bellusdeo insisted I accompany them to the palace, where people could question me endlessly if they needed answers.” Answers that were never going to be complete enough for the purposes of annoyed Dragons.

Sanabalis transferred his gaze to Severn, who offered a polite version of a fief shrug. Kaylin noted that Sanabalis didn’t pressure Severn for more information.

* * *

The meeting of the Dragon Council was two hours in the making, largely because the Emperor had appointments that could not be broken with ease. Had the city been on literal fire, he might have been justified in canceling—and to be fair, he was Emperor, and he could damn well do what he liked. But he was aware, as Kaylin had become aware, that there would be a future cost for that, and he chose which costs he was willing to pay.

The Dragon Court, with Bellusdeo and the two Hawks in attendance, met in a throne room that was empty of all save a handful of select Imperial Guard. Tiamaris, as a member of that Court, was also present. Kaylin was surprised, and it showed; the youngest member of the Court grimaced, the expression smoothing into a genuine, if chagrined, smile.

Kaylin cringed just before the discussion started because it hadn’t occurred to her until that point that it would be held in their native tongue; the ceilings here were acoustically unforgiving. But aware of the eyes of the Imperial Guard, she made no attempt to cover her ears or otherwise preserve her hearing.

The discussion reverted to Barrani when the Emperor had questions; he asked those of Severn and Kaylin. But for the most part, the discussion was for, and by, Dragons. Hope joined in on one or two occasions, and the Dragon Court accepted his input without comment or resentment.

The Arkon then withdrew a box from the folds of his robes—a box that shouldn’t have fit there. It was familiar to Kaylin; she’d seen it before. He didn’t open it this time; he approached Sanabalis and, to Kaylin’s surprise, knelt.

She understood, then: Sanabalis was to become the Arkon.

Sanabalis, Imperial mage, Dragon who had not yet found his hoard. She wondered why the Arkon hadn’t chosen Diarmat, a man whose sense of duty and responsibility defined him and sucked all the humor out of his life—but perhaps that was answer enough.

Sanabalis didn’t bow. “You are certain?”

“I am certain.” The Arkon rose to his feet. “As in all decisions of note, there are lingering shadows, lingering desires. I have been Arkon for most of my life, and I am aware of the burden it places upon your shoulders. I am not caged or confined as chancellor; indeed, it will be my responsibility to find students who will benefit from the Academia and what it has to offer; if I do not, we will continue to remain trapped in a history so ancient the Empire has never even heard of its ending, never mind its beginning.”

His eyes were gold as he turned to face the Emperor. “I remain, as young Tiamaris does, a member of your Court and a member of your Flight; in times of danger and war, the chancellors were not exempt from the demands of their kin.”

The Emperor’s nod was regal, but not remote. “I am...happy for you, old friend. In all of the futures I imagined we might face together, this is not one I had ever considered a possibility. It brings me peace to know that in the heart of my Empire, you have found your way back to the heart of yours. Take what you have gathered with my blessing.

“You will, however, be tasked with personally overseeing the transport of your collection. I expect all of the people you choose Copyright 2016 - 2024