Cast in Wisdom (Chronicles of Elantra #15) - Michelle Sagara Page 0,152

awake now. I would like to know the name of the interim chancellor.”

“You don’t know?”

“No.” Given the weight of the single syllable, Kaylin thought his ignorance was good for the continued health of that interim chancellor. Probably a pity for the rest of them, though.

“How were you awakened?” she asked. Bellusdeo’s eyes were now an orange that looked almost mellow; Sedarias’s eyes remained a martial blue. Starrante cleared what Kaylin assumed was his throat, and Bellusdeo stepped aside—or as far aside as the opposing wall would allow. He then took the lead.

“Awakened is an interesting word,” he replied. By unspoken consent, Kaylin now walked by his side, her hand resting against his body as if it were a guide rail. “It is not entirely accurate, although you could be forgiven for using it. I was not awake. Not as I am now.”

“You were dreaming?”

“That is a good analogy, although it is not entirely accurate, either. But let us use it. I was dreaming. Dreams are somewhat unpredictable.”

“I’m surprised you need to sleep.”


“The Barrani and the Dragons don’t.”

“And you are one of the multitude of mortal races?”

She nodded. “I need sleep.”

Starrante’s head once again mostly separated from his body as he turned to look back at the Dragon and the Barrani. “Now I remember. But...if you do not sleep, how do you dream?”

Sedarias said, “Our dreams are more focused, more tangible.”

“And less dangerous?”

“Perhaps. But danger is oft in the eye of the beholder.”

“Well said. Are you perhaps a student here?”

“No. My classroom is less structured.”

“A pity. It is seldom,” he added, “that we converse with those who are not students. I cannot think of another time—”

“The interim chancellor is not a student.”

“No. I believe,” he continued, after a distinct pause, “that I was sleeping.”

“Yes, but you weren’t in the library.”


“How did the interim chancellor even find you?”

“That is a very good question, but not one I can answer at the moment. How did you find me?” he asked of Kaylin.

“I was—until very recently—in the library. I found Arbiters Kavallac and Androsse; they’re still there. We’re...not. When you were last seen, you occupied the chancellor’s office.”

“Ah. I believe the intent was protection of that office from intruders; it is not clear to me why such protection was felt necessary.”

“Whose intent?”

“The interim chancellor. In an emergency, the chancellor’s office has authority to make and request changes.”

“He could order you to guard his office without your conscious intent?”

“Demonstrably.” The tone conveyed annoyance—that and the color of the eyes. “I believe I dreamed of the Chosen,” he added as he ambled down the hall. “And possibly others. There was a student—quite young, by appearance—who appeared to have been skipping class. That is frowned upon here, unless one is given permission.”

“He had permission.”

“That could not be verified.”

“Where are we going?” Sedarias asked.

“We cannot stay here to any great effect,” Starrante replied. “We are therefore returning to the Academia. If you could, Chosen, I would ask you to wake Killianas—but Killianas is a subtle creation, and the waking is not entirely in your hands. As it is, I believe we will find answers of a kind in the chancellor’s office itself.”

“You’re certain that you’re in control of your actions now?”

“At this moment, yes.”

“Will you remain in control if you enter that office again?”

“That is a very good question. There is only one way to find out, yes?”

Kaylin didn’t appreciate that.

“You are clearly not a scientist.”

“I like my head to remain more or less where it is in relation to the rest of my body, yes.”

* * *

The door at the end of the hall opened to stairs; the stairs, familiar to Kaylin, led up into the body of the building in which Killian resided. She didn’t ask Starrante how he’d bypassed the trap. By this point, she was pretty certain that Killian was awake enough that he’d let them out.

“How did the interim chancellor come into possession of that title?”

“It is not a title,” Starrante said.

Are you still anywhere near the chancellor’s office? Kaylin asked Severn as they walked. Starrante didn’t seem to be in a great hurry, and given the speed at which he walked, this was all that allowed Kaylin to keep up once they’d crested the top of the stairs.

I believe so.


He’s still with me. Annarion is here, and Mandoran has joined us, as well.

Kaylin nodded. This meant Terrano remained in the library. We’re going to head to where you are.

“We need to find an alternate route to the chancellor’s office,” Sedarias said.

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