Cast in Wisdom (Chronicles of Elantra #15) - Michelle Sagara Page 0,149

attempted to ascertain where books of use might be found, but it has been cumbersome.

“Think you the library essential? It is not. Killian has coped quite well without access to its dusty, dead contents.”

“You are a fool,” the Arkon said.

“There were three things of value here; we found one, but its retrieval was tricky and it has not been fully repurposed to our needs. You have, apparently, found the other two—but you have no idea how to utilize their potential power. At best, they will remain sentinels in this place—they will have no wider or greater purpose.

“But perhaps, just perhaps, they might form the basis of a true negotiation.”

“Pardon?” Sedarias shifted in place.

“You do not know how to use what you have. We do. We would be willing to teach you what you must do to take control of the books in your possession, and would ask only that you return the book that was in ours.”

“How did you get it out of the library?” This was Terrano. He winced, no doubt from Sedarias’s internal and private rebuke.

“That would be one of the things we might demonstrate. There is no need to fight as you are currently fighting.”

“We are not doing the bulk of the fighting,” Sedarias then said. “If you will take the risk of letting me out of your sight, you might see for yourself who is. If you are wise, you will not, but let me explain. The Dragon and the man who might be one of our progenitors from long ago are fighting three Arcanists who I assume are your allies. They are residents of this library.”

The implication was that they now did Sedarias’s bidding.

“Regardless, you have made a fatal error. You recognize Dragons, surely.”

Candallar had stiffened. This wasn’t a surprise; Barrani reacted poorly to condescension aimed at themselves. He didn’t dignify her question with an answer.

“You do not recognize them individually, or perhaps you do not understand the significance of one of our visitors.”

He did turn then; when he turned back, his eyes were almost black. “You brought the female Dragon here?”

Sedarias, however, said, “You are a fool. Perhaps my brother and his subordinates found you useful—but in my experience fools are a double-edged weapon that cannot be relied upon in a battle.”

“Get ready to move,” Terrano said.


“Because as far as I can tell, he is interim chancellor. It’s the only possible way he could be here at all.”

“Can you stay here?” Kaylin said.

“I can—but it won’t be safe if he decides we don’t have permission.”


“Enough.” Candallar lifted the arm that held the rod; for a moment, Kaylin could see a flash of something that looked very like green fire flare in a circle in the center of the fieflord’s chest.

Terrano didn’t answer.

Or perhaps she couldn’t hear the answer; she blinked once and found herself in an entirely familiar room.

* * *

She wasn’t alone.

Bellusdeo and Sedarias were with her. The Arkon, however, was not. The room itself was large enough to house an angry Bellusdeo in full Draconic form; it was the room in which they had first entered Killian’s domain. The statues that had once been carved reliefs took up more of the room than they once had, but Bellusdeo’s presence did not destroy any of them.

Candallar is the interim chancellor, Kaylin said—to both Severn and Nightshade. Neither seemed surprised.

You expected that, surely? Nightshade asked.

She nodded, although he couldn’t see it. We’re in the statuary that we first encountered when it wasn’t a statuary. It reminds me of your throne room. We need to get back to the library.

That will be challenging, Nightshade said.

The Arkon wasn’t ejected with the rest of us.

You suffer from two misapprehensions, the fieflord said. You feel that because the Arkon is so old, he is weaker than Bellusdeo. And you believe that because he is a scholar, he is less familiar with combat. You know his history. You know that he fought in the wars. You have heard—briefly—that he was honored for his skill as a warrior.

But he’s alone—

No, Kaylin, he is not. I believe the reason he was not removed instantly from the library is that he could not be: he was carrying and protecting the tomes that serve as portals for the Arbiters. The Arbiters cannot leave the library.

Starrante is—

Yes. But according to Killianas, he is struggling against the imperatives the chancellor has laid upon him, and he is not nearly so much of a power as he would otherwise be should he join his two comrades Copyright 2016 - 2024