Cast in Wisdom (Chronicles of Elantra #15) - Michelle Sagara Page 0,124

Dragons, but the wing remained fixed in the forward direction. She didn’t ask Hope why; her voice would carry, even if his reply wouldn’t. Instead, she looked, her brows creasing as she squinted. It was dark, yes; she couldn’t see individual books, but could feel the nubs of spines as she continued to use the wall as a guide.

I think Candallar’s people are looking for Killian’s core.

Nightshade’s thoughts did not divulge frustration, but she felt it regardless. Yes. It is possible that they felt that the library would be the most likely place for it.

You don’t think so.

No. They are remarkably unimaginative for a group of learned people. Were it not for Terrano’s intervention—before you met the cohort—I do not believe they would be here at all.

And Candallar?

I am less certain about Candallar. I do not believe his position here is that of a student; nor is he a lecturer. He appears to have, and retain, a freedom of movement that those who live here do not.

The Lord of the Human Caste Court—whatever his name is—doesn’t live here. I highly doubt the Arcanist who accompanied him lives here, either.

I concur. But I believe, if they found their way to this place, they were led here by Candallar. You believed that he wished to be reinstated in the High Court. Do you understand why he was made outcaste?


It was after my time by a few centuries, and information is not always accurate. I would suggest you bespeak Ynpharion, if and when a window opens in which you might effectively do so. In the meantime, be cautious. If we are dealing with Arcanists of any renown, they would hesitate to engage a Dragon—or two—in a terrain that is not under their control. As they are attacking, they must believe they have that control.

Given the way said Dragon had arrived in the library, Kaylin agreed.

Find it and break it, if that is possible.

Kaylin nodded. I know he won’t answer, but—if not a library, where do you think the core that defined Killian might be hidden?

None of the other cores, as you call them, were in physical areas. Tara’s was closest; Helen’s was not. There was no way to approach Helen’s core without her permission.

I’m not sure Killian is in a condition that would allow that permission to be granted. She frowned. Or he wasn’t, the first time I met him. There’s something about him—as a lecturer—that seems more...present? More personal, somehow.

I believe the Arcanists have searched this building—but again, they are not your cohort. Their ability to move requires a flexibility that they may only barely possess. They have had the knowledge Terrano imparted for a handful of years, at best.

Have you seen the others at all today?

I have seen none of the cohort today, as you call it.

I’ve found Mandoran, a new voice said. It was Severn. He had been listening closely to Kaylin, and to Kaylin’s part of the conversation with Nightshade and Killian. Or rather, Mandoran has found us.

Is it just Mandoran, or does he have the other three with him?

At the moment, only Mandoran. We are still, he added, in the trap of the endless hallway.

How’s Emmerian doing?

He seems remarkably relaxed. Mandoran found his way here and he’s offering to release us. Ah, I hear Sedarias. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea.

Because you’re safe there.

Because we’re safe here. She has reconsidered this because you, Bellusdeo and the Arkon are no longer in the same trap. Severn was amused. Kaylin was annoyed. The difference in these reactions described much of their relationship.

Can Mandoran get you out without alerting the wrong people?

He believes he can. Severn spoke to Mandoran, but Kaylin couldn’t hear his words. Nor could she see Mandoran through Severn’s eyes. The cohort made everything difficult, without even trying.

Mandoran asks me to pass on a message from Terrano. Wherever you are now, Terrano can’t find you.

You told him we were in the library?

I did. Terrano says he hasn’t seen a library. He’s managed to penetrate active classrooms or lecture halls; he can enter the dining hall at any of the mealtimes. The offices are hit or miss—and apparently there are offices here. There are six people Sedarias considers dangerous. One is the Arcanist that you first identified.

And the other five are Barrani.

Severn winced. Yes, of course. There are no Dragons, if that helps.

Has Terrano managed to penetrate other occupied classrooms?

No, Severn replied, after a brief pause. Mandoran clarifies: there are no other occupied classrooms. The occupation, such as Copyright 2016 - 2024