Cast a Pale Shadow - By Barbara Scott Page 0,75

through the back door. "I had to put something in the car," he said. He brushed two fingers along Trissa's cheek to reassure her. "Augusta, may I speak privately with you a moment?"

"Of course." She followed him through the pantry to the cellar landing. "Oh dear, Nicholas, I almost forgot. I have a message for you. A Doctor Fitapaldi called."


"Doctor Lorenzo Fitapaldi."

Nicholas shrugged. "Never heard of him."

"Well, it was puzzling. He asked for a Cole Baker first, and when I told him..."

"Cole Baker," he repeated dully.

"Yes, and when I told him he must have the wrong number, he asked for Cole Brewer.... What's the matter, Nicholas? You're as white as a sheet. Is it bad news?"

The rushing blood had returned to his ears, muffling clear thought. "No one calls me that."

"But it is you? I hope so because the man is coming here all the way from Michigan just to see you this weekend."

"Here? To see Cole Baker?"


"He's mistaken me for someone else. When he sees me, he'll know." He pushed the puzzle out of his mind. He could only worry about Trissa now. "I need your help tomorrow. Trissa must not go to school. I want someone to be with her at all times, and I can't be. She needs something to keep her occupied so she doesn't dwell on her troubles."

"I've got the perfect thing. We're making the floral arrangements and decorating for May's piano students' recital tomorrow. She can help Roger, May, and me if you think she's well enough."

"You were right, Augusta, it's not physical. Remember, I told you her family objected to our marriage? Her father is harassing her at school. He's pressing her to come home. She's very much afraid he will force her."

"But she's eighteen."

"That doesn't make any difference to him. He's a domineering man. There's no way to know what threats he has used or may use. I don't think he has this address but--"

"Don't worry. I'll take care of her. And if he dares to come here, Roger will take care of him." Augusta had her fists clenched at her side, ready to fight.

Nicholas smiled and took one fist and kissed her knuckles like a knight paying homage. "Thank you, Augusta. I knew I could count on you. One more thing, I may be late tomorrow night. I have some unavoidable business to attend to. If I am, cover for me with Trissa, will you? In her state, she's likely to think the worst."

"I'll keep her so busy she won't even notice you're gone."

Beverly, Roger and May had arrived home to join Ruth, Hattie, and Trissa in the kitchen. They were all laughing heartily as each in their turn tried to heft the bulging picnic basket Ruth had assembled.

"Well, feed a fever, as they always say. Even if it is spring fever," grinned Ruth. Like clowns jammed into a circus car, the picnic goodies included sandwiches and potato chips, pickles, celery and carrot strips, chunks of cheddar cheese, cake, apples and grapes, a jug of lemonade and a bottle of wine. Ruth had thrown in napkins, utensils, paper plates, wine glasses wrapped in tissue, and a couple of handfuls of candle stubs.

"There's enough to feed the lot of us," said Roger. "Maybe we should all eat in the open air tonight. Who votes yes?"

May and Beverly raised their hands, and Hattie seemed on the verge of it when Trissa's small voice squelched the voting. "No! Umm, I mean, I'd love to have you join us some other day. You know you're better than family to me. But tonight is not a family picnic. Nicholas and I need some time alone." When she looked around the circle and saw their knowing smiles and saw Roger jab Nicholas in the rib with his elbow, she blushed and added, "To talk."

"Roger is just teasing you, honey. Of course, this is a picnic for two only. Run along and enjoy yourselves."

"Yes, enjoy!" Roger raised the bottle of beer he held in his hand, which set May, and Beverly to giggling. "There's a full moon tonight. You know what that does to lovers." He took a deep swallow of his beer. "And madmen."

"Roger, behave yourself," said Augusta.

"Get a jacket," Nicholas whispered in Trissa's ear. After she left, he pretended to struggle with the lifting of the picnic basket. "All of your kibitzing will be for naught, folks, if toting Ruth's dinner ruins me for life." When May wrinkled her brow in her effort to understand the Copyright 2016 - 2024