Cassian (The Immortal Highland Centurions #2) - Jayne Castel Page 0,86

drills instead for once. War was coming, but right now belonged to her and Cassian.

“I never tire of this view.” Cassian spoke up once more, pointing south. “Look.”

Following his gaze, Aila spied the boat on the horizon. Its large, single sail billowed as the vessel sailed north.

“I imagine it’s a merchant’s birlinn,” he continued. “Bound for Inverness.”

“It’s hard to believe all of southern Scotland is under English rule now,” Aila replied, her brow furrowing. “If I hadn’t been to Stirling and seen it myself, I wouldn’t believe it. Things seem so peaceful here.”

“The calm before the storm,” Cassian replied softly.

Aila shivered, pulling closer the woolen shawl she’d wrapped around her shoulders before coming up onto the walls. The prophetic edge to his voice cast a shadow over the day’s joy. Yet at the same time, the knowledge that war was looming made every moment she shared with Cassian more precious.

The wedding festivities were over now. There would be no music and dancing late into the evening. The shortness of their celebrations was a reminder of the threat to Dunnottar. Of course, Edward of England wasn’t their only foe. This fortress had already been preparing for an assault from Shaw Irvine. However, Longshanks had now eclipsed the danger Irvine posed.

“I’ve fought in so many wars over the centuries,” Cassian continued, his gaze still tracking the merchant boat north. “I’ve lost count.”

“I know ye can’t die, but don’t ye dread the fighting all the same?” she asked.

“I don’t enjoy having a blade stab me through the guts … but no, not really.” He then glanced at Aila, and she saw his gaze was shadowed. “But I do worry for others.”

He shifted closer still to Aila and wrapped an arm about her shoulders, drawing her against him. Aila sank into his warmth, his strength. When Cassian stood at her side, she felt as if she could face anything.

The pair of them lapsed into silence for a few moments, enjoying the moment of peace together here high up on the walls.

Eventually, Aila stirred. “It’s been a wonderful day … I’m sorry to see it end.”

“So am I.”

“The ceremony … the banquet … it was all perfect. It was great to see you, Maximus, and Draco relaxing together too.” She paused there. “During the meal, ye called Maximus ‘Great One’ … why?”

Their gazes met, and Cassian’s mouth curved. “His name means ‘the greatest’, and since he’s an arrogant bastard, Draco and I like to tease him about it.”

“And what of yer name?” Aila asked, grinning now.

“I have no idea … it was given to me when I enlisted in the imperial army and became a Roman citizen … my old Spanish name was Barros.”

“Really … I think ‘Cassian’ suits ye better.”

His smile widened. “Me too. I’ve had it for so long I can’t imagine being called anything else.”

“And Draco?”

“That’s easy … his name means ‘dragon’.”

Aila stiffened. “Dragon … isn’t that in yer riddle?”

Cassian inclined his head. “Yes … ‘when the White Hawk and Dragon wed, only then will the curse be broke’.”

Aila pulled away from him, excitement quickening in her belly. “Maybe, Draco is part of the riddle?”

Cassian stared at her. “What?”

“Draco … dragon … it makes perfect sense.”

“But I thought it might belong to one of the clans,” he replied. The stunned expression he now wore was almost comical. “Part of a crest or a motto. Or maybe it refers to the name of a warlord or king.”

Aila shook her head. “I think ye are casting yer net too broadly. It’s made the three of ye blind. What if the person ye seek is right beneath yer nose?”

Cassian’s big body went rigid. A beat passed, and then he threw back his head and laughed. The sound carried over the ramparts, causing the guards farther down the wall to turn and stare at them.

Cassian paid their bemused looks no mind. Still grinning, he turned back to Aila once more, his hazel eyes gleaming gold in the sunset. “Hades … I knew there was a reason I wed you.” And with that, he leaned in close and kissed her.

Read Book #3 of The Immortal Highland Centurions!

DRACO will be out on December 3, 2020!

The immortal centurion with a heart of stone. The lady who scorns him. A marriage that will end the curse. Enemies to lovers in Medieval Scotland—with a touch of fantasy.

Draco Vulcan stopped caring about anything or anyone years ago. Cursed to live forever, he only finds joy on the battlefield. But in order to Copyright 2016 - 2024