Cassian (The Immortal Highland Centurions #2) - Jayne Castel Page 0,80

protection, Captain.”

“Yes, you plainly do.” Cassian shifted over to the bench and picked up a cloth one of his men had abandoned. He then cleaned the blood off his hands in sharp, jerky movements.

Aila watched him, her lips thinning. “What’s wrong with ye today, Cassian?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” he snapped, his gaze spearing hers once more. “Did you think Blair Galbraith would ever forget? He was waiting for another chance to corner you.”

“Ye overreacted,” she shot back. “In future, let me fight my own battles.”

His expression turned wintry. “Are you really so ungrateful?”

Fury descended over Aila, turning her reckless. “Aye, it appears so … daft, ungrateful Aila. I’m nothing to ye, Cassian, so let’s not pretend we’re friends.”

He went still, a nerve flickering on his cheek. The air inside the armory vibrated with tension, and Aila edged toward the door. She had to get out before the hurt and anger that still writhed in her belly broke free.

Before she said things they’d both regret.

However, he moved sideways and blocked her path. “We aren’t friends, Aila,” he said, his voice softening. “There lies too much between us now for that to ever be the case.”

Aila’s throat closed. “Then, I shall bid ye good day, Captain. Please move aside.”

But he didn’t.

Aila’s breathing quickened.

Long moments passed before Cassian muttered an oath under his breath. His handsome features tightened, his mouth twisting as if he were in physical pain. “I’m a fool, Aila,” he rasped.

Now it was Aila’s turn to grow still. She watched him, her body tensing, her fists clenching at her sides.

His gaze found hers once more. For the first time ever, she saw raw pain there, vulnerability.

“When I lost Lilla, the agony almost drove me insane.” His voice was rough, strained, as if he dredged each word up from his guts. “To lose my wits would have been a relief, I suppose … but the curse didn’t allow it. Instead, I took control of what I could.”

Still Aila said nothing. She wouldn’t interrupt him, for these were clearly things he needed to say.

“I’ve been alone for so long I forgot what it’s like to crave a woman’s touch, to live for the sound of her voice and the curve of her lips when she smiles,” he pressed on, his voice growing hoarse now. “But then, you stepped under my guard, Aila De Keith, and I’ve been fighting a losing battle ever since.”



AILA’S EARS STARTED to ring, and she realized that she had forgotten to breathe.

Dragging in a deep breath, she stared up at Cassian. The pain on his face was raw. She couldn’t understand why saying these things hurt him so much, and yet the distress on his face wasn’t feigned.

“I never meant to cause ye pain, Cassian,” she whispered. She paused then, gathering her courage before she continued. “I’ve always been so timid, looking on while others do things with their lives. I wanted to be more like Heather … to take risks. But I lacked the courage … and all the while I yearned for the handsome Captain of Dunnottar Guard to notice me.”

“I did notice you,” he admitted, his eyes glittering now. He then favored her with a sheepish smile. “I just never intended to do anything about it.”

“But I wouldn’t leave ye alone,” she cut in bitterly, embarrassment stabbing through her. “I … threw myself at ye.”

His smile turned rueful. “Painting yourself as a cunning seductress doesn’t work, Aila. It was your gentleness, your shy smiles and innocent enthusiasm that drew me to you. I was like a field of dry grass after a summer’s drought … all I needed was one tiny flame to be set alight.”

He stepped forward, his hand catching hers. He then raised it, placing her palm over his heart.

Aila swallowed, her mouth going dry when she felt how fast it was beating.

“When you touched me that night in the hallway, I was undone,” he murmured. His hand closed over hers, his fingers curling tightly. “And I still am.”

Silence followed his words. Once again, Aila forgot to breathe. It suddenly felt overly warm inside the armory, and a wave of dizziness swept over her. “What are ye saying?” she whispered.

“That I am sick with love for you,” he replied, reaching up with his free hand to stroke her face.

Aila shivered at his gentle touch. His fingertips sent ripples of pleasure down her neck and made her sweat. However, all she could think about was the declaration he’d Copyright 2016 - 2024