Cassian (The Immortal Highland Centurions #2) - Jayne Castel Page 0,58

just hoped the other women had the same mettle, for tonight, they would be hunted prey. He wasn’t afraid for himself, but these women’s lives were his responsibility.

“Where exactly is the door?” Cassian asked after a pause.

“On the southern side of the Nether Bailey.” Her voice was low and steady, giving him further reassurance that she wasn’t going to panic the moment they stepped outside. In contrast, Jean was ashen-faced and trembling beside her. “Look for the gorse bush.”

Cassian nodded before turning away. He moved to the door and threw it open, leading them out into the night.

Aila pulled up the hood of her cloak and bent her head against the icy onslaught of rain and wind. It was dark outdoors now, and the few pitch torches that still burned on the walls hissed and smoked.

The foul weather was their ally though.

Gripping Jean by the arm, for the lass kept stumbling as they fled across the pebbled expanse of the inner-bailey, Aila kept her gaze fixed upon the dark figure leading the way.

Cassian was little more than a broad-shouldered outline against the shadowy night beyond. Occasionally, she caught a glint from his drawn sword blade. His confidence and cool head awed her. The man was truly a soldier.

From the moment he’d burst into the solar, he’d taken charge.

They were still in the midst of danger, and yet she trusted him.

As Cassian had anticipated, they didn’t reach their destination without running into trouble.

Two English guards barred the way into the Nether Bailey, but Cassian was on them so fast the pair barely saw him coming.

Pained grunts reached Aila.

She pulled up short, causing Lady Gavina to run into her back. “Wait!” she whispered to her mistress. “It’s not safe yet.”

Beside her, Jean whimpered. Aila tightened her grip on the lass’s arm. “Courage,” she murmured. “Hold fast, Jean.”

Ahead, Cassian turned—two figures lying prostrate upon the ground before him—and motioned for the women to follow. He then slipped through the archway behind the fallen guards into the Nether Bailey.

Darkness shrouded this corner of the fortress, making it difficult to find their way to the unruly clump of gorse that signaled the way out.

A lone brazier smoked and hissed upon the walls. On the verge of going out, it threw out a little light over the exposed grassy area beneath it.

The four women followed Cassian along the wall walk, using their hands to guide them.

Aila halted when she heard Cassian mutter a soft curse up ahead.

“I’ve found the gorse bush,” he announced, his tone rueful. “Thorny bastard.”

In other circumstances, Aila might have smiled. However, she felt sick with nerves. The howl of the wind cloaked any noise they made, and she couldn’t yet hear any shouting from the keep behind them. But the guards would come soon enough.

They had to get out of the castle grounds now.

A squall hit the Nether Bailey—freezing rain slashing against their faces as they edged up to where Cassian had spoken. It was difficult not to blunder straight into the spikey growth of gorse. Aila managed to pick her way around it, following Cassian’s lead, and squeezed in behind him through the gap between the gorse and the secret doorway.

The creak of iron filled the night when the door opened on rusted hinges, and once again, Aila was grateful for the howling storm.

“Are you all with me?” Cassian asked. She couldn’t see his face, although from the clarity of his voice, he must have twisted toward her.

“Aye,” Aila replied. “We’re ready.”

“We don’t know what lies beyond this door,” he admitted, his tone growing grim. “But the cliff face is on the other side of the wall, and without torches to light our way, we risk toppling to our deaths.”

Jean whimpered again. Aila silently clutched the maid to her. Although she didn’t voice her own fear, it welled up inside her nonetheless.

“Follow me out slowly, and only advance forward a few steps when I let you know the way is clear,” Cassian concluded.

With that, he pulled the wooden door toward him and moved through the narrow archway.

Muffled shouting some way off reached them then, piercing the howl of the wind.

Lady Elizabeth breathed a curse. “They’re after us.”

It was time to go.

Aila followed Cassian outside, stifling a gasp as the full force of the wind hit her in the face. She’d thought the storm had been violent inside the walls, but beyond their sturdy protection, the wind clawed at her—making their escape even riskier.

The four women clung together, inching their way through Copyright 2016 - 2024