Cassian (The Immortal Highland Centurions #2) - Jayne Castel Page 0,43

my husband?”

Aila’s gaze widened. “Ye went to his chamber wearing nothing but a robe?”

Fyfa nodded. “We’d been dancing around each other for a while, but I knew that if I didn’t take the initiative, Hume might never make his move. Some men need a little … encouragement.”

“And was he pleased that ye came to him?” Aila licked her suddenly dry lips. When Fyfa had initially suggested they work on a plan to win Cassian, she’d been pleased. But now, as they stood alone in Aila’s tiny bed-chamber, while the moon rose in the sky and the rest of the keep slumbered, she suddenly wished she hadn’t taken the woman up on her offer.

He’ll think me too forward.

And yet she hadn’t missed the look on Cassian’s face earlier that day. The hunger she witnessed in his eyes when she walked into the solar had made her step falter. She’d seen his struggle.

Maybe Fyfa was right. It was up to her to bridge the gulf between them.

Fyfa favored Aila with another knowing smile. “Now, remember what I said earlier.” The steward’s wife packed away the perfume into the basket she’d brought with her. She’d oiled and brushed out Aila’s hair till it fell in glistening waves over her shoulders, and all the while had given her instructions on how to approach Captain Gaius. “Keep yer voice low and soft … and maintain eye-contact. If he looks hesitant, move in close and touch him. Don’t let him send ye away.”

A chill feathered down Aila’s spine at these words. What if he did?

She couldn’t stand the humiliation; she’d never be able to look at him again.

“I’m not sure I’m brave enough for this,” she admitted shakily, watching as Fyfa made for the door.

Turning, the steward’s wife flashed her a warm smile. “Aye, ye are … ye just mustn’t listen to the voice in yer head that keeps ye from reaching for yer desires. Ye look beautiful, Aila. And remember what I said … fortune favors the bold.”

And with that, Fyfa exited the chamber.

Alone, Aila smoothed her sweaty palms upon the shift. It was made of thin linen and reached mid-thigh.

There was no way she was taking it off, no matter what Fyfa said. She wasn’t that bold. Reaching for her robe, Aila wrapped herself in its soft folds. Her legs were shaking now, and she felt a little sick.

Perching on the edge of her narrow bed, she gathered her courage.

It had been a strange day. She’d interrupted that tense discussion in the solar after the nooning meal, and when she returned with wine for the laird, De Keith had scowled at her so darkly that she nearly wilted under the force of his glare. He’d then snarled at her for being so slow.

However, she hadn’t really cared, for just being in Cassian’s presence had made her pulse race, her blood heat. Dressed in a mail shirt and leather leggings, he’d been dangerously handsome. His gaze had tracked her across the room.

Aila smoothed out the folds of her robe. He wants me, she reminded herself. I have to keep telling myself of that.

She did, but that didn’t mean Aila didn’t tremble with nerves when she finally padded out of her chamber.

She left her move as late as she dared.

Occasionally, Lady Gavina needed her assistance after bedtime, but tonight, her mistress was silent. She had no excuse to tarry, no reason not to go to Cassian, and yet she delayed.

Letting herself out into the hallway, she started to sweat. The air was cool, the glow from the cressets staining the stone walls. As she’d expected, there wasn’t anyone about—although she knew that English guards would be posted on the landing beyond, surveying everyone who came up and down the stairwell.

Barefoot, Aila moved down the hallway toward Cassian’s door.

Dizziness swept over her. She was really starting to struggle with this.

Grow a spine, she chastised herself as she stopped before the door. What would Heather do in a situation like this? The thought made her rally; her elder sister had always seemed fearless. In fact, she’d admitted to Aila that after their arrival in Dunnottar, she’d eventually sought Maximus out—a meeting that had resulted in a steamy encounter in one of the guard rooms.

And now Heather was happily wed to Maximus. Maybe if she hadn’t been courageous that day, things might not have ended so happily?

Coward. What are ye waiting for? Indeed, she’d been standing in front of the door for a minute or so now.

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