A Case of Extreme Mistaken Identity - Victorine E. Lieske Page 0,39

obvious. Someone was actually sending him threats. Which didn’t make any sense. The season was just starting. Sure, he was going to be out for a while, but no one expected it to ruin their games. Players get injured all the time. It happens. It didn’t make sense for a threat.

Besides, the notes hadn’t been about football. They’d been about watching out for snakes, which made no more sense than someone threatening him because of his injury. He was pretty sure there were no snakes on the beach at the Billionaire Club resort.

He wanted to just disregard the whole thing, but Dani had been so upset, he knew he couldn’t ignore it. He would be on the lookout for anything else odd, refuse any other deliveries, and make sure no one was stalking him or following them around. That should take care of it, right?

Dani came out of the bathroom and grabbed her purse. She wore the short dress he’d purchased for her at SaleMart, and her expensive sandals. They showed off her legs. “I’m ready. Let’s get out of here. This room is giving me the creeps.”

He forced himself to raise his gaze so he wasn’t gawking. Why had he said that dress looked good? He should have pulled the long one off the rack and insisted it looked better. “Let’s stop at the front desk and talk to Kay. Maybe she can stop any further deliveries.”

Dani nodded. “Good idea.”

When they got to the reception area Simon, was working the front desk. Austin leaned on the counter. “Is Kay in her office?”

“She was. Let me check and see if she’s available.” Simon disappeared behind the desk and a moment later, Kay came out.

“Hello, Austin. What can I do for you?”

“I’ve received a couple of strange deliveries the past few days, and the notes have been on the border of threatening.”

Dani scoffed and folded her arms. “Understatement,” she said quietly.

He turned back to Kay. “Can you put in a request that all deliveries for my room be refused?”

Her eyes widened and she nodded while she typed on the keyboard. “Of course. We take these things very seriously.” She finished clicking on the keys. “Done. And I’ll keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior.”

He tapped the counter. “Thanks, Kay. I appreciate it.”

They walked through the glass doors to the sidewalk outside. Someone shouted, “There she is!” and a rush of people came at them, camaras flashing.

At first Austin was so stunned, he didn’t know what to do. Dani covered her face with her arms and ducked her head as reporters and paparazzi fired off questions, microphones stuck in her face.

“Are you working as a housekeeper?”

“Did you leave rehab on your own?”

“Did Rafael really date you to get a part in the next Fast Cars movie?”

“Were you in love with Rafael? Tell us about his deception.”

Austin pulled her to him to shield her from the camera flashes. He knew how much she hated being caught on camera. “Let us through, please.”

“Wait, are you Austin Scott, from the Los Angeles Demons?”

Suddenly the interest turned to him. Microphones were thrust into his face. “Are you dating Danica Jordan?”

“What’s your relationship with Danica?”

“How long have you dated?”

“Are you aware of her drug problem?”

Austin shoved through the paparazzi and helped Dani into the golf cart. “We have no comments. Please, leave us alone.”

He got into the driver’s seat and took off, at the top speed of 20 mph. Several tried to follow them, but he pulled out onto the street and lost them.

Dani turned to him, her face white. “Thanks for getting us out of there.”

“I’ll tell Kay they were loitering outside of the establishment, and she can make sure they get cleared out.”

Dani nodded and glanced away from him, her grip tight on the seat. He knew she was worried about the notes, and the paparazzi probably shook her up. Maybe he could take her mind off of all that with something fun. He just needed to find something she’d like to do that would make her forget about everything else.

Chapter 19

Dani breathed in the salty air as the golf cart came to a stop by the docks. Luckily, no reporters were hanging around, and no one had followed them. She breathed out relief. Austin motioned to her. “Stay here. I’ll go down and see if there are any tickets left.”

She gave him a thumbs up. They’d decided to try one of the boat excursions. They might not have much luck, since it was

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