Cardwell Ranch Trespasser - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,55

“If you know for certain that she and her brother killed their parents, why weren’t they arrested?”

“No proof. Those two were cagey, way beyond their years. She was far worse than her brother. Smarter and colder. She made it look like an accident. Anyone who knew Camilla knew what had really happened out at that house the night of the fire. She fooled everyone else, making them feel sorry for her.”

He thought about the way she’d worked Hud and Dana. Even himself that day on the river. Camilla Northland was a great actor. “And yet, you let them move in here.”

“They were so young. I thought I could turn them around. I dragged the two of them to church.” She shook her head. “It was a waste of time. The evil was too deep in her, and Richard was too dependent on her.”

“Would you mind if I took this photograph?” he asked.

“Please do. For years, I’ve prayed never to see that face again. I’ve always worried that when I got old, she would come back here.”

Thelma didn’t have to say any more. He had a pretty good idea now of what Camilla might do to the aunt who had taken her in all those years ago.

“Do you believe in evil, Marshal?”

He didn’t correct her. “I do now.”

She nodded. “I assume she’s already hurt people or you wouldn’t be here.”

He nodded, reminded that she’d gotten away with it, too. And might continue to get away with it because there was never any proof and she was very good at her lies.

“I pray you can stop her,” Thelma said. “I couldn’t. But maybe you can.”

* * *

HILDE WAS AT the shop when Colt called. After Dana had left, she’d been so upset she’d thought about going home. But she couldn’t stand the thought of her empty house. So she’d stayed and helped set up the new sewing machines with Ronnie.

When her cell phone rang, she jumped as if she’d been electrocuted. Ronnie shot her a worried look. Hilde saw that it was Colt calling and, heart racing, hurried into the break room and closed the door.

“Where are you?” she asked.

“On my way to the airport. I was able to get a flight out this afternoon. If I can make the tight connections, I’ll be home tonight.”

Home tonight. She thrilled at his words. “It is so good to hear your voice.”

“Rough day?” he asked. “Hilde—”

“Don’t worry, I haven’t seen Dee. Dana stopped by. I’ll tell you about it when you get back.” She braced herself. “What did you find out?”

“First, I need you to remain calm. I almost didn’t call you because I was afraid you’d go charging out to the ranch.”

“She’s this Camilla person who they think killed her own parents,” Hilde said.


She closed her eyes, gripping the phone, emotions bombarding her from every direction. Relief that she’d been right about the woman. Terror since a killer was still out at the ranch with her best friend and her kids.

“Listen to me, Hilde. If you go charging out there or even call, they aren’t going to believe you—and you could force Dee to do something drastic and jeopardize everyone, okay?”

She nodded to herself, knowing what he was saying was true. Dana wouldn’t believe Colt any more than she had Hilde. “You’ve told Hud, though, right? So he’s going to take care of everything.”

“I’ve been trying to reach him. I’ve left him a message. He’ll know how to handle this. I need your word that you’ll sit tight. I’ll be there by tonight and this will all be over.”

She wished it were that simple. She prayed he was right. “Okay. I know what you’re saying. I won’t do anything.”

“Where are you?”

“At the shop. I couldn’t stay at the house.”

“I wish you would go home and wait for me. Lock the doors. Don’t leave for any reason.”

She smiled, touched by his concern.

“Hilde, I...I love you.”

His words brought tears of joy to her eyes. For years she’d waited for the right man to come along. Dana had been her biggest supporter.

“I want you to find someone like Hud so badly,” Dana would say.

Hilde had wanted that, too, but she’d thought it could never happen.

“Are you crying?” he asked.

She gulped back a sob. This was the happiest moment of her life and she couldn’t share it with her best friend. “I love you, too, Colt.”

“Okay, baby,” he said. “I have to go. I’ll call you the moment I land. Be safe.”

She hung up and let the Copyright 2016 - 2024