Cardwell Ranch Trespasser - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,4

to try to talk Hilde into taking her cousin on one of the river raft trips down through the Mad Mile. I told her I’d do whatever she wants. As long as Dana is happy, I’m happy to go along with it,” he added with a grin.

“Wait, Hilde is going on a raft trip?” Colt couldn’t help but laugh. “Good luck with that.”

“I think there’s a side to Hilde you haven’t seen yet. You might be surprised.” Hud finished his coffee and stood. “Might be a good idea for you to go along on that raft trip,” he added with a grin.

* * *

AS THE PLANE flew over the mountains surrounding the Gallatin Valley, the now Dee Anna Justice prepared herself for when she met her cousin.

She’d been repeating the name in her head, the same way she used to get into character in the many high school plays she’d performed in. She’d always loved being anyone but herself.

“Dee Anna Justice,” she repeated silently as the plane made its descent. The moment the plane touched down, she took out her compact, studying herself in the mirror.

She’d always been a good student despite her lack of interest in school. So she knew how to do her homework. It hadn’t taken much research on her laptop to find out everything she could about her “cousin” Dana Cardwell Savage.

The photos she’d found on Facebook had been very enlightening. Surprisingly, she and her “cuz” shared a startling resemblance, which she’d made a point of capitalizing on by tying back her dark hair in the plane bathroom.

“Dee Anna Justice,” she had said into the mirror. “Just call me Dee.”

The man in the seat beside her in first class had tried to make conversation on the flight, but after a few pleasantries, she’d dissuaded him by pretending to read the book she’d picked up at the airport. He was nice-looking and clearly had money, and she could tell he was interested.

But she’d needed to go over her story a few more times, to get into her role, because once she stepped off this plane, she had to be Dee.

“Hope you enjoy your stay at your cousin’s ranch,” he said, as the plane taxied toward the incredibly small terminal. Everything out the window seemed small—except for the snowcapped mountain ranges that rose into a blinding blue sky.

“I’m sure I will,” she said, and refreshed her lipstick, going with a pale pink. Her cousin Dana, she’d noticed, didn’t wear much—if any—makeup. Imitation was the best form of flattery, she’d learned.

“Is this your first time in Montana?”

She nodded as she put her compact away.

“Staying long?” he asked.

“I’m not sure. How about you?” He’d already told her he was flying in for a fly-fishing trip on the Yellowstone River.

“A short visit, unfortunately.”

“Dee Anna Justice,” she said extending her hand, trying out the name on him. “My friends call me Dee.”

“Lance Allen,” he said, his gaze meeting hers approvingly.

Any other time, she would have taken advantage of this handsome business executive. She recognized his expensive suit as well as the watch on his wrist. He’d spent most of the flight on his computer, working—his nails, she noted, recently manicured.

She’d known her share of men like him and hated passing this one up. It didn’t slip her mind that she could be spending the week with him on the Yellowstone rather than visiting some no-doubt-boring cousin on a ranch miles from town. But the payoff might be greater with the cousin, she reminded herself.

The plane taxied to a stop. “You don’t happen to have a business card where I could reach you if I can’t take any more of home on the range?” she asked with a breathy laugh.

He smiled, clearly pleased, dug out his card and wrote his cell phone number on the back. “I hope you get bored soon.”

Pocketing his card, she stood to get down her carry-on, giving him one final smile before she sashayed off the plane to see if her luck had changed.

* * *

HILDE WASN’T SURPRISED that Dana was questioning her impulsive invitation as the plane landed. “What if she doesn’t like us? What if we don’t like her?”

“I’m sure it will be fine,” Hilde said, not for the first time, even though she was feeling as anxious as her friend.

“Oh, my gosh,” Dana exclaimed, as her cousin came off the plane. “She looks like me!”

Hilde was equally shocked when she saw the young woman. The resemblance between Dana and her cousin was startling at a Copyright 2016 - 2024