Cardwell Ranch Trespasser - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,36

force her to move up her plan—because she wasn’t leaving Cardwell Ranch.

* * *

WHEN DANA OPENED the door, Hilde saw her expression and felt her heart drop. She thought of all the times she’d stopped by and her best friend had been delighted to see her. Today wasn’t one of those days.

“Hilde?” She looked leery, almost afraid. How ironic.

Hilde wanted to scream, I’m not the one you should fear! Instead she said, “I bought those ice cream sandwiches the kids like.”

Dana glanced at the bag in her hand, but didn’t move.

“I won’t stay long. I just haven’t seen the kids for a few days now. I’ve missed them.”

“Auntie Hilde?” Mary cried and came running to the door. She squeezed past her mother and into Hilde’s arms.

She held the adorable little girl close. Mary looked just like the pictures Hilde had seen of Dana at that same age. Was that another reason Dee had been able to fool Dana? Because there was a resemblance between Dana and Dee, one no doubt Dee had played on?

“We’re making pies!” Mary announced, as Hilde let her go. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

Hilde took the child’s hand and followed her through the house. Dana had been forced to move out of the doorway, but she looked worried as Hilde entered. What did she think Hilde was going to do? Flip out in front of the kids?

“These are beautiful,” Hilde said when she saw the pies. The kitchen looked like a flour bomb had gone off in it. Dana was so good at letting the kids make as big a mess as they had to. She was a great mother, Hilde thought as she looked up at her friend and smiled.

Dana seemed to soften. “Would you like a pie?”

Hilde shook her head. Only a few days ago, Dana would have asked her to stay for dinner and have pie then. Now she seemed anxious that Hilde not stay too long. Dee would be returning.

“We’d better put these in the freezer,” Hilde said, handing Dana the bag with the ice cream sandwiches.

“What do you say to Auntie Hilde?”

“Thank you, Auntie Hilde,” Mary and Hank chimed in. Dana stepped out on the old back porch to put the ice cream in the freezer.

“I’m taking off now,” Hilde called. She said goodbye to the kids, then hurried back into the living room and up the stairs. She assumed Dana had put Dee in the guest bedroom. Hilde had stayed over enough; she almost thought of it as her own.

The door was closed. She opened it quickly and stepped inside. The curtain was drawn so it took her a moment before her eyes adjusted. She knew she had to move quickly.

Dee’s cosmetic bag was on the antique vanity. She hurried to it, trying not to step on the floorboards that creaked. Taking the plastic bags out of her purse, she used them like gloves. They were awkward, but she managed to pick up a bottle of makeup, then spied Dee’s toothbrush. DNA. She grabbed it, stuffed both into her purse again and hurriedly moved to the door.

Opening it, she stepped out and was partway down the hall headed for the stairs when Dana came up them.


“I’m sorry, I just needed to use your bathroom. I hope you don’t mind. I drank too much coffee this morning.”

Dana relaxed a little. She, of all people, knew about Hilde’s coffee habit.

“Thank you for letting me see the kids.”

Tears filled her friend’s eyes. “I hate this,” Dana whispered.

“Me, too. But we’ll figure it out. We have to.”

Dana nodded, looking skeptical. Who could blame her?

Hilde smiled and touched her shoulder as they passed. She practically ran down the stairs. Dee would realize her makeup and toothbrush were missing. And knowing Dee, she would figure it out.

As Hilde climbed into her SUV, she saw Dana watching her leave. Colt would be furious. He’d realize what was just sinking in for her. Dee had warned her numerous times. The next time they crossed paths, Dee would make sure Hilde Jacobson was no longer a problem.

Hilde just hoped before that time came that she would have the proof she needed to stop Dee Anna Justice—or whoever the woman was.

* * *

DEE CALLED STACY after her unsuccessful lunch with Hud. Dana had told her that Stacy had a part-time job as a nanny. Dee was hoping that meant Stacy could get away long enough to talk.

“I was just in town and thought maybe we could have a cup of Copyright 2016 - 2024