Cardwell Ranch Trespasser - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,30

he believed Dee was pretending to be Dana’s cousin. He wasn’t sure how she could have pulled that off, but he was willing to put Hilde’s mind at rest and his own.

“I’ll see if I can get her fingerprints. I might need your help.”

“You know you have it,” she said. “Would you like something to drink? I have some wine.”

“You’re tired. I should go.”

“I could use the company. Just one drink.”

He smiled. “If you had a beer...”

“I do.”

He followed her through the house to the kitchen. Her house was neat as a pin and nicely furnished. But not overdone. He realized they had that in common: a minimalistic view of the world.

She handed him a beer, poured herself a glass of wine and led him into the living room.

“Dee already told Dana that Rick had been depressed and she was worried about him, since she told him it was over after the horseback ride,” Hilde said. “I swear she must have been planning to drug him right from the moment he showed up.”

“It’s proving it that’s the problem,” he said. Sitting here in Hilde’s house seemed the most natural thing in the world. “I want you to stay away from her unless I am there to make sure she doesn’t try to kill you again.”

Hilde looked up in surprise. “You can’t believe she would try again. She couldn’t get away with another murder.”

“Rick’s death will probably be ruled an accidental overdose,” he reminded her. “Consider how it would look if something happened to you now. You’ve been having a streak of bad luck. Plus you’ve been...overwrought.” She started to object, but he held up his hand. “I’m just saying how Dee would spin it. You got careless, you haven’t been yourself. You get the idea. That’s why I want you to give the woman a wide berth until she leaves.”

“She’s not leaving.”

“Well, she can’t stay forever.”

“She can if she finds a way to get Hud all to herself,” Hilde said. “I told Hud that Dee was after him.”

Colt groaned. “I can imagine how he took that.”

“He needed to be warned.”

Colt couldn’t argue that. He just hoped it wouldn’t have the opposite effect and make Hud more sympathetic to Dee.

“She knows we’re onto her.” Hilde drained her wineglass. “What scares me is what she’ll do next. I’m afraid for Dana and her family. If she makes a play for Hud... I have a feeling Dee doesn’t take rejection well.”

Colt agreed that the whole family could be in danger. “I wish there was some way to get her out of that house.”

“I doubt dynamite would work, even if Dana would let you blast her out. Dee has completely snowed Dana.”

He could hear her disappointment. “I know it’s frustrating seeing Dana and even Hud taken in like this. But you have to admit, Dee is good.”

“She’s playing this perfectly, too perfectly,” Hilde said. “Which makes me think this isn’t her first time she’s done this.”

“Whatever this is,” Colt said. “I’ll see what I can find out about her. Meanwhile, I’ll see what we can do about getting her fingerprints.” He’d have to be careful. He couldn’t let Hud find out that he was investigating his wife’s cousin. If Dana wasn’t so happy having found a cousin she never knew she had, then Colt was sure Hud would be suspicious of Dee by now.

“I want to help.”

“You are going to stay clear of the ranch unless I’m with you. Promise me.”

She promised, but he could tell her concern for her friend was weighing heavily on her. What worried him was that if Dee decided to make a move against her, she would use that concern and Hilde would fall right into the trap.

He finished his beer, saw how late it was and got up to leave. Hilde walked him to the door. As he opened it, a cool breeze blew in, ruffling her hair. He reached to tuck an errant golden strand behind her ear like he’d seen her do the few times she’d worn her hair down.

But the moment he did, his hand slid around to the back of her slim neck. His eyes locked with hers. Her skin felt cool to his touch as he drew her to him.

* * *

THE KISS WAS gentle and sweet and so unexpected. Just the touch of his lips sent a jolt through her. Colt must have felt her tremble because he pulled her closer. She could feel his heart hammering under the hard muscles of Copyright 2016 - 2024