Cardwell Ranch Trespasser - By B. J. Daniels Page 0,2

as a deputy.”

“And I haven’t been around much,” Hilde added, seeing where this was going. “I’m sorry.”

“We knew expanding the shop was going to be time-consuming,” Dana said. “I’m not blaming you. But it is one reason I’m so excited my cousin is coming. Her name is Dee Anna Justice. She’s just a little younger than me—and guess what?” Dana didn’t give Hilde a chance to guess. “She didn’t know about us, either. I can’t wait to find out what my uncle Walter and the woman he married were like. You know there is more to the story.”

“I’m sure there is, but let’s not ask her as she gets off the plane, all right?”

Dana laughed. “You know me so well. That’s why you have to come along. Dee Anna is in between jobs, so that’s good. There was no reason she couldn’t come and stay for a while. I offered to help pay her way since she is out of work. I couldn’t ask her to come all the way from New York City to the wilds of Montana without helping her.”

“Of course not,” Hilde said, trying to tamp down her concern. She was a natural worrier, though—unlike Dana. It was amazing that they’d become such close friends. Hilde thought things out before she acted. Dana, who wasn’t afraid of anything, jumped right in feetfirst without a second thought. Not to mention her insatiable curiosity. Both her impulsiveness and her curiosity had gotten Dana into trouble, so it was good her husband was the local marshal.

For so long Dana had had the entire responsibility of running Cardwell Ranch on her shoulders. Not that she couldn’t handle it and two kids. But now with the twins, it was good that Jordan was taking over more of the actual day-to-day operations. Dana could really start to enjoy her family.

“I’ll get Ronnie to come in,” Hilde said. “She won’t mind watching the shop while I’m gone with you to pick up your cousin.”

“I have another favor,” Dana said, and looked sheepish. “Please say you’ll help show my cousin a good time while she’s here. Being from New York City, she’ll be bored to tears hanging around the ranch with me and four little kids.”

“How long is she staying?” Hilde asked.

Dana shrugged. “As long as she wants to, I guess.”

Hilde wondered if it was wise to leave something like this open-ended, but she kept her concerns to herself. It was good to see Dana so excited and getting a break from the kids that she said, “Don’t worry, you can count on me, but I’m sure your cousin will love being on the ranch. Did she say whether or not she rides?”

“She’s a true city girl, but Hud can teach anyone to ride if she’s up for it.”

“I’m sure she will be. Did she tell you anything about her family?”

Dana shook her head. “I still can’t believe my grandparents had a son they never mentioned. Or, for that matter, that my mother kept it a secret. It all seems very odd.”

“I’m sure you’ll get to the bottom of it. When is she arriving?” Hilde asked, as she picked up the phone to call Ronnie.

“In an hour. I thought we could have lunch in Bozeman, after we pick her up.”

Fortunately, Ronnie didn’t mind coming in with only a few minutes’ notice, Hilde thought as she hung up. Hilde suddenly couldn’t wait to meet this mysterious Justice cousin.

* * *

DEPUTY MARSHAL COLT DAWSON watched Hilde Jacobson and Dana Savage come out of the sewing shop from his spot by the window of the deli across the street. Hilde, he noticed, was dressed in tan khakis and a coral print top she’d probably sewn herself. Her long golden hair was bound up in some kind of twist. Silver shone at her throat and ears.

Colt couldn’t have put into words what it was about the woman that had him sitting in the coffee shop across the street, just hoping to get a glimpse of her. Most of the time, it made him angry with himself to be this besotted with the darned woman since the feeling was far from mutual.

As she glanced in his direction, he quickly pretended more interest in his untouched coffee. He’d begun taking his breaks and even having lunch at the new deli across from Needles and Pins. It was something he was going to have to stop doing since Hilde had apparently started to notice.

“She’s going to think you’re stalking her,” he said Copyright 2016 - 2024