Cara MIA - By Book One of the Immortyl Revolution - By Denise Verrico Page 0,87

gay. Here a post, there a post everywhere a post, post. Ethan was right. Time was a spectacle.

Aside from Kurt, my callers were few. I remained far out of the loop as progress on Brovik’s work went. Kurt wasn’t at liberty to tell specifics and I didn’t bother to press him because I’d come to think the whole thing impossible.

Ethan had disappeared, Kurt told me. Brovik hadn’t heard anything of him for years. I hoped he walked the streets of hell.

Then, one early summer night in the last year of the tumultuous century of my birth, Kurt arrived with his customary floral offering. “Got a surprise for you… ”

I hadn’t seen Philip in over a decade. He extracted himself from my impulsive embrace and gave me a long look. “You have roses in your cheeks again. The boy is good for you.”

Kurt came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Philip’s been working too hard. We must show him a good time.”

“Dreadful, isn’t it? Imagine me, respectably toiling away at meetings and all sorts of nonsense. I don’t suppose you two would know a decent nightclub?” He eyed Kurt and me catching up on lost kisses. “No. I doubt you two get out much.”

“We come up for air occasionally, “I said.

Kurt kissed my neck. “Let’s take him out on the town.”

“Shall we then? I have a car outside.”

Kurt shook his head. “Let’s walk. It’s a beautiful night.”

We went to a club in Tribeca but my libidinous pal, Philip hardly noticed the young and lovely mortals swarming the dance floor. He didn’t dance, which he loved, even though asked several times. You couldn’t really call it dancing, it was just kind of a ritualized groping, but Kurt and I joined the milling mass of bodies while Philip sat at the table, nursing a glass of wine. At Philip’s age you could tolerate a little more.

He was very quiet and watchful of Kurt and me when we joined him again. I waved away the thick pall of smoke hanging around us with the drink card on the table. “What’s wrong with you tonight? This brooding isn’t like you. Jesus, you’re acting like Ethan.”

Turned out to be the wrong thing to say, Kurt winced as if someone had just staked his heart.

Philip cleared his throat. “Little one, there is something I must tell you.”

“Can’t it wait until later?” Kurt complained. “Must you spoil my evening with her?”


Kurt frowned. “Tell her, I can’t.”

“Ethan is back in Virginia. Actually, I just left him. He’s coming to New York to see you.”

This bit of news got me in the gut like Ethan’s foot. I turned to Kurt. “I’m not going back to him.”

He took me into his arms to reassure me. “You don’t have to. He has no rights over you anymore.”

Philip watched us keenly. “None, indeed.”

“Then that’s that. No problem,” I said.

Kurt flashed a dazzling smile. “There, you see, Philip.”

“Yes, I see clearly.”

I had to turn away from Philip’s probing gaze. He didn’t look convinced. Damn him, he understood how much this news knocked me off-kilter. I kissed Kurt’s mouth to reassure myself, deciding he was definitely still my favorite flavor. Kurt for his part was unusually attentive, caressing my hair and whispering erotic temptations into my ear. I couldn’t think of going on without Kurt, but I hardly knew how I’d react when Ethan showed up.

Kurt’s cell phone jangled and he excused himself to answer it outside.

“Why is he coming here?” I asked Philip when Kurt left. “He must know I’ll spit in his face.”

“He’s got this idea that he wants to make amends.”

“I won’t see him.”

“I haven’t told Kurt yet, but Ethan wants to settle property on you. He owes you this. I relayed this to the ancient, and Brovik feels you should accept. It would smooth things over financially for you. It’s rather embarrassing for him that you insist on earning your own way. It looks like he can’t take care of you.”

“No, it means he can’t control me, and to accept anything from Ethan suggests a contract. I’m not assuming the position.”

“No one says you must, but I must warn you Brovik is having second thoughts about your little liaison with Kurt. Truth be told, he’s concerned about the boy’s loyalty.”

“Kurt has never expressed a disloyal thought. He’s dedicated everything to this cause.”

“The boy is in love, and you know how Brovik feels about the influence of women, particularly yours.”

“I’ve never done a thing to turn Kurt.”

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