Cara MIA - By Book One of the Immortyl Revolution - By Denise Verrico Page 0,74

almost felt sorry for her. She looked so bewildered by it all, but this was still my territory and I wasn’t giving up without a fight. “Who the fuck are you?”

She didn’t bat an eye. “Leisha Brookings.”

I knew that name. “The lawyer? He has more balls than I give him credit for.”

Ethan set down an expensive set of imported luggage. “Leisha will live with us from now on, Mia.”

I had to lob a dart his way. “I’m surprised. What will your darling Brovik say?”

Her eyebrows went up. “Who?”

“Let’s just say he’s the prince of darkness, and Ethan’s his princess.”

He twisted my arm. “Shut up!”

I pulled away. “Have you taken leave of your senses? Does she know what you are?”

Leisha’s amber eyes perked up. “What’s she talking about?”

Was I a fool? But oh, it felt so good. I turned to her. “Ethan has some very colorful skeletons in the family closet. Did he tell you how old he is, or where he comes from?”

“Go to your room, Mia,” he rumbled low in his chest. “We’ll talk later.”

“Actually, I’m going out.” I grabbed my gloves from the sideboard and shoving them in my pocket.

Leisha cut me off at the door. “He’s told me nothing. You’d better, because he won’t.”

Outrage worked in her face, not one shred of the worship I’d felt for him. Now I saw the state of things. I stared at Ethan in disbelief. “Did she choose?”

He couldn’t answer. Leisha’s eyes flared again. She grabbed my shoulders and began to shake. I winced. She was really strong. “I didn’t ask for this! Did you?”

Disgusted, I broke free. I wasn’t quite sure I liked her. She was hard, brusque and grim, and I didn’t have to, in view of things.

“Oh, come now Leisha, you weren’t entirely unwilling,” Ethan sneered, taking her in his arms. Surprisingly, she didn’t protest— animal lust, nothing more. “What do you think of your new sister, Mia? Amazing, yes? I told you I could improve on the prototype. This one isn’t bothered by scruples— pure unadulterated avarice— with a law degree from Harvard to boot.”

I took in her magnificence. Ouch. “You’ll never keep this one on a leash.”

“What the fuck are you two talking about!”

I didn’t like her after all. Strong, yes, smart, obviously, but really pushy. Woe to anyone standing in her way. She was admirable, but likable? Hell no. The imp dancing in my head tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop her. “Tell her about life down on the ol’ plantation Ethan, circa eighteen sixty. There’s way too much historical baggage here. I’ll pity you when she’s finished.”

He grabbed me by the throat, throwing me against the wall. My head cracked, opening a gash. Blood trickled down my face. I touched the wound and momentarily dazed collapsed to my knees.

Leisha gasped. “Ethan, stop! You’ll kill her! She’s a just a kid, for crissakes!”

“It’ll take a hell of a lot more to kill this bitch. You want freedom, Mia? Push me enough and you just might get it.”

Leisha convulsed at the sight of me licking my own blood from my hand, covering her face in horror at her own reaction.

I struggled to my feet. “I’ve killed and whored for you for thirty-five years you bastard!”

His eyes narrowed into cold, blue little slits. “Go then, I release you from all bonds, but take only what is on your back.”

Leisha held out her hand. “We’ll go together. Please Mia, don’t leave me with this monster.”

Her long golden-brown hand clasped mine. I looked up to the amber eyes, desperation, but no empathy. Leisha would help no one but herself.

Ethan gave her a staggering blow. She crumpled to the floor, gasping in pain.

“Don’t you understand?” I said. “We’re his slaves you poor fool, neither of us has any rights!”

“Cunt!” Ethan grabbed me around the torso. I struggled, spitting and swearing. Clapping his hand over my mouth, he dragged me out into the alley, and flung me hard to the ground. I leapt up, scratching a bloody gash across his face. Whirling around, he dealt me a back handed smack that sent me crashing into a garbage can. I crouched on the ground, ready to spring again. He just laughed as he lifted me up to his mouth.

I fought hard, weakening fast as he drained me to the point of helplessness. Searing pain overtook me. He threw me down. I struggled against the darkness, trying to raise my bleeding head from the ground and pull myself together, but Copyright 2016 - 2024