Cara MIA - By Book One of the Immortyl Revolution - By Denise Verrico Page 0,64

lucrative if you succeed.”

Ethan threw him off. “What work?”

“Take Mia to the Wolf’s palazzo.”

“Bringing her here for you to dally with is one thing, but I won’t subject her to them!”

“Gaius has made several offers. It’s our chance Ethan.”

“And you know what Dirk will do to her.”

“She’s smart enough to handle that buffoon. Why else did you train her?” Ethan didn’t answer. Brovik took a long look at him. “I’ll speak to Gaius— say you’ve tired of her, and want to be rid of her. Take her in a week’s time, when he invests Dirk with his portion. Mia will maneuver to be alone with him, won’t you my dear?”

Ethan glared at me. “What did you bribe her with?”

Blood rushed to my face against my will.

“She’ll do this out of love, which is more than I can say for you.”

Ethan winced. “Is this what you want Mia, to be his pawn?”

“If it can help our cause… ”

“Funny, until recently, you found this cause to be hopeless.”

“I’ve seen the light.”

“I’m sure you have. How much Brovik?”

“Ten thousand.”

“For my property to be savaged?”

“Fifteen. Demand compensation from Gaius as well.”

“This is dangerous work. Twenty.”

“Very well, build another wing onto your house.”

Ethan smiled, turning to me. “Perhaps Gaius will outbid you. It may be to my advantage to sell her.”

Brovik shook his head. “You bluff badly.”

I was pissed now. “I’m not your property!”

“Oh yes, you are. I’ve invested a lot in you, but rest assured my dear, you’re worth more in the long haul. I’m sure Brovik has more work for us.”

They just looked at one another, so much baggage there, each maneuvering to get his way. I looked at them both, sick and apprehensive, wondering just how much I’d be called upon to do in pursuit of the cause, before I had what I wanted most.


* * * *

Two weeks later, a boat picked up Ethan from our dock to take us to Capri. Brovik had given me a blood red satin gown for the occasion, and I wore the rubies Ethan had given me our first year together. Ethan, in evening clothes, leaned against the rail, thinking of all the nice things his twenty thousand would buy, no doubt.

Sunset bled over the horizon, scarlet and purple, reflected in the bay’s smooth mirror. I looked north. What Kurt was doing? The boat pulled up to Gaius’s dock and we were helped ashore, and up a steep stairway, by burly male slaves, Ethan referred to as dogs.

Red veins spread over the black marble, Renaissance palazzo, like blood-filled capillaries. Well-dressed vampires strolled through verdant gardens, all Gaius’s blood.

I asked Ethan how he could keep such an establishment without suspicion.

He shrugged. “Anyone this rich can buy all the anonymity he wants.”

Heads turned. I clung to Ethan’s arm, ignoring speculative murmurs. What appeared to be a teenaged girl approached, her green eyes complimented by the emeralds she wore. Her nubile curves were outlined in green silk. Shining auburn hair cascaded down her bared back.

Ethan’s face warmed. “Lisette, enchantee.”

A slender white hand reached out for him to kiss. She surprised me by embracing me and kissing my cheeks. “Quelle charmante! We wondered when Ethan would share his treasure.”

A surprising wave of desire rose up over me as she caressed my cheek. You’d have to be made of stone not to want her.

“Where is Gaius?” Ethan asked.

She tilted her head. “In the gallery. He has some new picture he wants to show you. Go. I’ll take good care of Mia.” She took my arm. “Come meet Guilietta. She’s terrible, cherie, I warn you.”

We strolled across the garden arm and arm, Lisette chattering and fussing over my gown and jewelry. I half heard what she was saying. As we took our turn about, murmurs of derision rose.

I took stock of Gaius’s alphas and their households. The alphas were all cut from the same cloth, and I didn’t think much of the tailor. Their women flitted about the gardens, gilded butterflies in fine materials of every color, glittering with jewels on their breasts, hair, fingers and ears, laughter tinkling like broken crystal on the wind. Most ranged from pubescence to my mortal age in appearance, a few were little girls, their blithe faces belying the horror underlying this masquerade.

Their masters were mostly on the tall side. Even in times when such height was rare they managed to find the tallest, strongest males to add to the ranks. But in the shadows hovered males with the shape of boys, with eyes that Copyright 2016 - 2024