Cara MIA - By Book One of the Immortyl Revolution - By Denise Verrico Page 0,111

make a bed. Mia leaned over the seat “You must be exhausted.”

“Soon as it gets dark we’ll head to an airport. I’ll call Carol to warn her.”

Kurt peered over the seat. “Joe, we appreciate the great risk you’re taking.”

“You never called me anything but Doctor before. Why the sudden familiarity?”

“We’re partners now, whether you want it or not.”

“Shit, got to call my wife. She’ll think I’m dead.” Joe pulled out his phone and hit the speed dial. He spoke rapidly to Rima, his voice tense, telling her there was an explosion but he was safe. He had to go to Washington for a while, but not to tell anyone where he was. He couldn’t tell her more, but he’d be in touch.

Joe glanced back. The two vampires huddled together on the pile of moving pads, like a couple of kids, their fate in his hands. He turned his eyes to the road ahead. The sun bled red over the horizon. Bad weather ahead. Joe turned the van up the ramp onto the interstate, heading east into the storm.



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Narrowly escaping the implosion of Genpath Laboratories, vampire lovers, Mia Disantini and Kurt Eisen are on the run from their rival in the “Forbidden Science”, Immortyl elder Gaius Lupus. When Kurt is captured by Gaius and rescued with the aid of feral child and teen vampires known as sewer rats, Mia witnesses first hand the charismatic spell her lover casts over these would-be revolutionaries who vow to join Kurt in his mission to bring down the house of Gaius. Meeting obstacles to government funding to support the research that will one day allow them to walk in the sun, Kurt builds his forces, while Mia navigates the minefield of rat politics, where she is distressed to be shunted into the background and viewed merely as an overly ambitious concubine who stands between the beloved “Loki” and his followers, particularly the oddly timid, but beautiful Arturo who threatens to sever the deep bond between Mia and Kurt.

Will Kurt and Mia defeat Gaius’s brutal attacks and realize their dream of a cure for their condition? Will the new order they establish survive betrayal from within? And will their love adapt to the challenge of a third partner?


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Kurt grabbed Rob by the shirtfront. “Were you followed?”

The boy jerked away. “Don’t think so.”

I scanned the area for scents and sounds, gripping my weapon tightly. Nothing. “No one here, take a breath Rob.” I lowered the rifle.

Rob took note of our guns. “Jesus, you two are serious about this.”

Kurt’s ire rose. “Idiot! You could have led them right to us!”

“I sent them the other way, half-pint.”

A low growl rumbled from Kurt’s chest. A car pulled up to the gate at the end of the drive. Doors opened and shut. Muffled voices floated through the air toward us. An unmistakable scent filled the air.

Hairs on the back of my neck rose. “Kurt… ”

Kurt’s brows met in the middle. “I smell them.”

Kurt grabbed my hand and I yanked Rob back into the trees with us.

“Rob, get down!” I whispered, raising my weapon. The three of us crouched down in the long grass. Crickets shrieked. Mosquitoes and chiggers pounced and burrowed into my arms and legs. I wanted to squirm but didn’t dare. A ways off, two more cars screeched up and their doors opened and shut. Shit.

Two Immortyl men in sleek suits vaulted over the gate of the stone fence, one huge, one not so big, but way bigger than Kurt or me. Gaius’s dogs. They crept up the long drive, handguns leading. I trained my weapon on them.

The big one said to his shorter companion, “Remember, just slow them down. The Wolf wants them alive.”


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Denise Verrico is a New Jersey native who grew up in Western Pennsylvania. She attended Point Park College in Pittsburgh, where she majored in theatre arts. For seven seasons she was a member of The Oberon Theatre Ensemble in NYC with whom she acted, directed, designed and wrote plays. Cara Mia, Book One of the Immortyl Revolution is her first novel. Denise has enjoyed vampire stories from the time she was a little girl and a fan of the Dark Shadows television series. She enjoys non-fiction and fiction of all kinds, particularly historical fiction, thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy and most recently manga and graphic novels. She currently lives in Ohio with her husband, teenaged son and flock of seven parrots.

Visit her website at

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-The End-

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