Cara MIA - By Book One of the Immortyl Revolution - By Denise Verrico Page 0,104

the unfortunates who didn’t escape. Those who did were running in all directions, taking cover in the bushes.

A helicopter stood before us with blades whirling. Through the firelight strode Brovik toward us. We found ourselves surrounded by four large dogs bearing assault weapons.

“Restrain them.”

Guns pressed up against our heads, as we were bound in chains, and pushed into the helicopter. Brovik climbed in, motioning to the pilot to take off.

When we landed later on Brovik’s island, we were dragged inside to the main room, the dogs training weapons on us, as Brovik drew a gleaming knife from an elaborate sheath.

“Ethan, I’m surprised,” he said. “You always hated the boy.”

“I’m sworn to protect, Mia.”

“My cavalier, once again you back the losing cause.” Brovik motioned to the guards. “Release them, but watch them closely.”

One dog with long blond hair like Brovik’s, unlocked the manacles, taking a handful of ass as he did mine.

“There’s unfinished business before I execute the three of you. Where is my money— and what did Mia do with the Wolf’s property? Only one thing would make him so frantic. Just tell me, my dear, where to find the money and data, and it’ll be quick and painless.”

“If I don’t?”

“These gentlemen will do as they like to you, while these two miserable fools look on.”

“Ethan knows nothing. Aside from helping me find Kurt, he did nothing.”

“Aiding you, he becomes my enemy.” Brovik took Kurt’s face into his hands, speaking softly, “You made this transaction. Tell me where you wired the money, and you can die holding her in your arms.”

As hard as it was to agree, he didn’t give Brovik what he wanted. He looked at his master, face in anguish. “I have nothing to tell.”

Brovik released Kurt as if his skin was made of burning acid. “Gentlemen, the lady is yours.”

“Brovik, this is very bad form!” protested Ethan. “I have the right to a proper execution. Since she’s mine they can’t touch her. I demand her essence before you take mine.”

“The time for formalities has passed, Ethan.” Brovik turned his attention to me. “As for her, you cast her off. She’s my property now.”

“Let us die in the old way.”

“Not enough sun here to finish the job. You’d rot for hours. It’s a mercy to do this quickly.”

“We have a right to die under the sky and see the sun. I have no great desire to live on this Earth, but I should like to feel the sun on my face once more before I die. Besides, do you really want her blood on your hands?”

Ethan was crafty. If there were any chance Brovik would die, it would have to be this night. We’d never have another chance, because we’d be dead. If Brovik would agree to kill us in the ceremonial way, there might be a chance. I had to prod him in the right direction. He’d know if I were telling the truth about the discs, so I decided to do just that.

I spoke up. “I stole computer discs with DNA sequences on them.”

Brovik walked up to me. “Is this the truth?”


“Where are they?”

“In a locker at the Port Authority, the key is around my neck.”

He hesitated then unzipped my jacket, drawing out the key on its silver chain with his knife. Brovik’s one flaw was his ancient tendency toward superstition. He didn’t want to touch me for fear I’d somehow rise up and murder him where he stood. He really would prefer Ethan do the actual deed.

“It’s true,” I said. “Ask Kurt.”

Kurt met his master’s gaze head on. “I helped her hide them.”

“I knew she’d turn you.” Brovik motioned to his dogs. “Take them outside. Prepare the pyres.”

We were dragged into the bitterly cold night. The aurora wavered ghostly over our heads, as they forced us to our knees. I kneeled between Kurt and Ethan, shivering as Kurt took my hand.

“Don’t be afraid, Mia.”

“I’m sorry I’ve dragged you down with me. It’s time, Kurt. This is the night. It ends tonight.”

Kurt turned to Ethan and said, “The knife. He’ll give you it to cut her throat. Do it cleanly.”

“I know how it’s done,” Ethan replied.

Brovik came out to us, carrying the large knife by its beautifully carved whalebone handle. His unbound hair whipped about his face in the wind. “The woman first,” he said, handing the knife to Ethan.

At that moment, Kurt launched himself at Brovik and knocked him down, as Ethan whirled and beheaded the two guards. Brovik threw Kurt off like a rag Copyright 2016 - 2024