Captured - Cara Wylde Page 0,63

would be human. I should’ve never touched Layla, let alone… do what I did. I am sorry I hurt you. I can only promise you that I will never do something like that again. I will never touch another woman in my life. You’re the only one I want. You’re the only one I need.”

Her blue eyes filled with tears. She had no words, so she simply cried and nodded. I leaned in and kissed her on the lips, and when our tongues met, I knew this was right. I knew this was fate and that I should’ve never resisted it.

Our magical moment didn’t last long, though. Reid soon pushed me away, and seeing how I was badly injured, I ended up falling on top of the table. Thorn helped me up.

“What the fuck, Reid?”

“Fuck off, Jax. You and your bad decisions! You’re the reason she ran away and fell into the Redwoods’ trap. They almost fucking killed her!” He grabbed Isabel and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped herself around him. “Anyway, it’s my turn with her,” he said in a calmer tone.

I rolled my eyes. Thorn helped me settle on the couch, and I stretched my leg to get the blood flowing. The wound was already starting to close. Great! Another scar to add to the dozens of scars already marring my body.

Reid turned to Isabel. “I’ve never felt for any woman what I feel for you,” he whispered, and it all sounded so cheesy to me. But Isabel seemed to like it. “I swear to protect you. Between the three of us, you will be safe day and night. No one will ever touch a hair on your head again.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Do you believe me, Isabel?”

“I do.”

They locked lips, and I couldn’t stand it anymore. It was too much. I pushed myself to my feet, grabbed Reid by the back of his neck, and pulled him off her.


“Jesus, what’s wrong with you?”

Isabel was looking at us, lost and confused, clueless as to how she was supposed to react.

Thorn intervened: “You two better not start fighting again! Not in my house!” He proceeded to push us both toward the door. “Take it outside! I saw what you did to Jax’s cabin, and I happen to like mine, thank you very much.”

Both Reid and I turned to Thorn. Who was he to refuse us access to our mate? When he saw we’d ganged up on him, he raised his hands in defeat.

“All right, all right. We’ll all go outside. Isabel, lead the way.”

She opened her mouth to say something but changed her mind. What could she have said? She held the door for us, and we filed out one by one. When they saw us emerge from Thorn’s cabin, the werewolves gathered around us. Isabel tried to make herself small, but I knew this was the perfect time to announce her as our mate. I stepped forward, took her hand, and addressed the pack.

“From this day onward, Isabel Bishop is part of our pack. She is the one true mate of your three Alphas, and she will be regarded and respected as such. She will bear our pups and raise the next line of Woodward Alphas. She is human, but Mama Rose has felt the wolf in her, and we all know Mama Rose is never wrong.” I turned to Isabel and looked into her deep blue eyes. “We welcome you, Isabel. You belong with us. You belong with the Woodwards.”

Her chin trembled as she whispered: “Thank you. I will not disappoint you.”

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her passionately. Reid and Thorn came to stand by our side, and the next thing I knew, cheers of joy exploded over the woods and the mountains. The wind carried them down to the human world, which Isabel had left behind. She would never return. This was her home now.

And she was my home.

Twenty Two


As morning dawned over the small village of the Woodwards, I walked barefooted through the wet grass and inhaled deeply, enjoying the familiar feeling of nature, life, and warmth. The scent of pine filled the air. Somewhere in the distance, I could hear the cheerful voices of other pack members. A part of me wanted to join them. Instead, I sat down on the grass, already feeling a little tired. As I lay back, I pressed my hand to my swollen belly, caressing the bump where my babies were resting.

Five months had passed Copyright 2016 - 2024