Captured - Cara Wylde Page 0,57

it does happen that we wander a little too closely to other packs.”

“It’s no one’s fault, really,” Mona continued. “The borders of pack lands often vary, so it’s not difficult to make the mistake. These woods… They’ve always been special, just like the lake. I’m not surprised that the Woodwards are trying to control the whole area. It’s a good idea to keep moving, so we don’t get into a fight with them.”

“Is there a chance of that happening?” I inquired. “The last thing I want is for you to get hurt because of me.”

Mona laughed lightly. “That’s not going to happen, Isabel. Like I said, if we get attacked, it won’t be because of you. Really, you did us a favor by giving us a head’s up.”

She seemed so convinced that I didn’t have it in me to continue arguing with her. Still, I made a mental note to help the pack. They’d already been so generous. Even if they’d claimed they didn’t need me to pay them back, I’d find a way.

Before long, I’d finished washing up. Callie rinsed my hair, and Mona poured some extra water on me, helping me clear the soap.

“All done,” she said. “Come on out now.”

She helped me out of the tub and dried me with a large, fluffy towel. After that, I pulled on my clean clothes, feeling a little better, but still discombobulated. As I sat down on the bed, the memory of my bath in the underground hot spring popped into my head. I felt so conflicted about it.

From the very beginning, the Woodward brothers had humiliated me and had made it clear that they saw me as beneath them. Gentleness had never been an option. But even so… Even then… I’d liked it when Reid had touched me. And after that, when Thorn had come to me, when he and Reid had fucked me, when Jax had finally given in to what was building between us… It had been amazing.

No! I couldn’t think about that anymore. I’d sworn I’d forget about them the moment I’d left the village. They’d made my body respond. So what? It had just been sex. It didn’t mean anything. Like the Redwoods had said, the brothers were just savages who’d used me.

“Isabel?” Mona asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Are you okay?”

I looked up at her and forced a smile. “Yes. Just… You know how it is. It’s a lot to process.”

“Of course. I can’t even begin to understand how much you’ve suffered. For what it’s worth, we’re here for you.”

Callie manifested by my side, carrying a mug of steaming liquid. “Here. Drink this. It’s not much – we’re not exactly wealthy – but it’ll help.”

I took the mug from her and this time, when I smiled, it was honest. I couldn’t believe these people were so happy to share what little they had with a stranger. My family had been so wealthy, but they’d hoarded every cent jealously. Maybe this was what I’d needed. Not the Woodwards, who were cruel and took without giving back, but the Redwoods, who understood gifts. I took a sip of the drink, and warmth invaded my body. I didn’t know what was in the mug, but it tasted good, like a really fragrant tea.

“I know you told me not to thank you, but I have to say it again anyway. I… I’m not sure what I’d have done without you.”

“Well, you know what they say,” Callie commented. “The moon guides us all in the right direction. And you belong here, with us, with the Pale One.”

The Pale One? That was probably another name they used for the moon. Werewolves did seem to have a worship thing going on there. I had to remember to ask them about it, respectfully. If I was going to stay, even temporarily, I had to be aware of their customs. I didn’t want to make a mistake and insult them.

Fortunately, they were talkative enough without me having to ask anything at all. They spoke of their journeys, of everywhere they’d traveled as a pack. It was difficult to stay under the radar in a world that was dominated by human technology, but they managed.

“National parks tend to be our go-to refuge,” Mona explained, “but there are still a lot of places humans don’t visit. There’s freedom in being a nomad wolf.”

“That does sound nice,” I offered. “It’s what I’ve always wanted. To be free. To travel.”

Callie chuckled. “Well, you’ll definitely be Copyright 2016 - 2024