Captured - Cara Wylde Page 0,55

so young and narrow… they’d never be able to give birth to pups. She was horrible material for a mate! And to think I also had to share it with Reid and Thorn! It was too much. It was unacceptable.

I’d hated fucking Layla. I felt nothing for the female wolf, and her body had done nothing to me. The only reason I could get it up and rut the bitch was that Isabel was there and I could imagine I was plowing her pussy. I could imagine that she was the one under me, her body so small and frail, so pale and flexible, yet so eager to receive me, to please me. I shouldn’t have fucked Layla.

Why had I done it? Because I’d wanted to drive Isabel away. I’d wanted her to fucking leave already and show Reid, Thorn, and Mama Rose that she wasn’t strong enough to be part of our pack. That she didn’t have it in her. In her place, a female wolf would have raged against the intruder. She would have grabbed the other bitch by the hair and sunk her fangs into her throat. But Isabel wasn’t a wolf. She was human, and she hurt easily. She couldn’t defend herself, couldn’t claim what was rightfully hers…

Because I was rightfully hers. I was. I knew it now, as I rocked back and forth in my destroyed home, knowing she was out there, in the woods, facing dangers she couldn’t possibly protect herself from. Would Reid and Thorn find her? Could they convince her to come back?

I had to do something.

I pulled myself to my feet, shifted into my wolf form, and sprinted out and into the woods at such an incredible speed that the trees bowed as I rushed past them. I was way behind Reid and Thorn, but if I pushed myself, I could catch up with them soon. As I ran and ran, I kept wondering… why had I encouraged her to escape? Because I didn’t want to kill her? The moment my brothers and I had taken Isabel up in the mountains with us, she’d sealed our fate. She knew about werewolves. If she reached civilization, she could expose us, and that would be the end of the Woodward Pack, and possibly the end of all werewolves. We weren’t the only ones in these woods. But there was no way she could get down the mountain on her own. The terrain was deadly, and there were creatures out there that were more dangerous than my brothers and I. We’d just fucked her and humiliated her a bit. If she fell in the wrong hands, she could die a horrible death.

What had I been thinking? Now I knew. I’d encouraged her to escape because at that time, I was convinced that I didn’t want her to be a part of the pack, but I also didn’t have the balls to end her myself. I’d thought… why not let her run away and allow nature to run its course?

I was a monster. I needed to fix this, even if it was going to cost me my pride, my dignity. I needed to find her, fall on my knees before her, and apologize.

I found Reid and Thorn at the edge of a clearing, hidden in the bushes. They were in their human form, and at first, I didn’t understand what they were doing. First, why had they shifted back? And secondly, were they spying on someone? Reid sensed me, and he turned around and started making frantic signs to get down, hide, and be quiet. I bared my fangs at him, and he just rolled his eyes, which meant that he wasn’t impressed by my threats. Something bigger and more important was going on, and I needed to fall in line. Intrigued, I hid behind a tree and allowed my body to shift silently. In human form, I was smaller and nimbler. Smaller compared to my wolf, that was… Compared to normal people, I was probably as big as a mountain. I crawled next to them on all fours.

“What the hell are you doing?” I sniffed the air. “Have you found her?”

“Sniff better,” Thorn growled.

He was right. I was too agitated, too unfocused. I closed my eyes for a minute, counted to ten, and took a deep breath in, a breath that expanded my lungs to the maximum. So many scents. Yes, Isabel’s was one of them, which meant that she was close. But all Copyright 2016 - 2024