Captured - Cara Wylde Page 0,20

his brother deeply and hated me for what my family had done. But he wasn’t cruel, not like Jax and Reid.

I remembered the way he had given me his jacket earlier, and how warm it had felt. There had been something so comforting about the heat left behind by his body. For a few moments, I’d completely forgotten where I was and why I was there.

It was stupid, but maybe I… maybe I liked him a little.

Yes, with Thorn, I had a chance. Even grief-stricken, he might understand me, at least a little. He could see that I didn’t belong here. I might be able to convince him to let me go.

But to do that, I’d have to get him alone again. And I couldn’t just dump the request on him, not now, when the wound of his brother’s loss was so raw.

Sighing, I leaned against the wall, realizing I wouldn’t find a real answer to my problem anytime soon. My stomach growled, reminding me of how hungry I was. At this rate, there was no way I’d be able to try anything because I’d be too weak from hunger and thirst.

My fatigue got to me, and slowly I drifted into slumber. I didn’t realize I’d fallen asleep until my cell door creaked open, jolting me from my daze.

“Well, well,” a familiar voice said. “Looks like you’re beginning to find the accommodations comfortable. That’s really nice to see.”

It was Reid, and his voice sounded even sharper and more biting than before. As he walked toward me, my heart started hammering in my chest. His pupils were huge, and when he grinned at me, his fangs were almost as large as they were when he was in his wolf form.

I got up, every fiber in my being telling me to escape, to run. Was this it? Had he come to kill me? Had he changed his mind and decided I wasn’t worth the trouble?

“Aw, don’t look so scared,” Reid said, shaking his head in fake disappointment. “I’m only here to have some fun. I’m sure you’d love that, wouldn’t you? You were into it earlier.”

He took another step closer, and the stench of alcohol hit my nostrils. He was drunk off his ass. Fuck. Okay, this was bad. I might not know much about werewolves, but I did know alcohol tended to lower inhibitions. If it worked the same way on shifters as it did on humans, Reid was even more dangerous now than he’d ever been.

Even if I agreed to have sex with him, there was a good chance he’d still tear me apart while we were fucking. After all, he was a werewolf, and I was a very breakable human.

Scuttling along the wall of the cave, I tried to put at least some distance between us. “I… I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I croaked out, instinctively shielding myself with the towel.

He arched a brow at me. “Oh? Why’s that? Human.”

The latter word came out biting, like an insult. It didn’t surprise me at all, and I managed to suppress my flinch. “I just…” Don’t feel well? Don’t want to have sex with a man who hates me? Don’t want to die? All of it was true but pointing it out wouldn’t make a difference to Reid.

“Yes?” Reid prodded with deceptive calm.

“I just…” I repeated.

His eyes were still glowing so wild, a hypnotizing gold-green that was almost impossible to look away from. At that moment, he reminded me a little of an anglerfish, a monster hidden in the depths of the world, waiting in the shadows to devour the unwary.

The stupid thought dissipated like smoke in the wind seconds later when Reid finally lost his patience. He lunged at me, claws extended. I screamed and ducked, throwing the towel at him in a mad attempt to stall him.

He laughed, not seeming in the least bit impressed by my attempt to escape him. In a complete panic, I tried to run toward the cell door. It was a stupid, pointless effort. In the blink of an eye, Reid was in front of me, blocking my path.

“Come now, gorgeous. Don’t be so cold. We’re just getting started. You don’t really want to run away from me, do you?”

Whimpering under my breath, I stumbled back, desperately looking for another way out. There was none, and I already knew that. But still, I had to try.

When he attacked again, I ducked for a second time. His claws narrowly missed my arm, and Copyright 2016 - 2024