Captured - Cara Wylde Page 0,12

else that could hurt me. But right then and there, I seemed to be incapable of processing that.

I just wanted them to let me go, damn it.

I must have said that out loud, because Jax growled. “That’s not going to happen, bitch. You might as well deal with it.”

As he finished the phrase, he bent over me and took my nipple in his mouth. The moment he made contact with me, my breath caught, and my eyes widened. It wasn’t supposed to be sexual – or at least, not just that. He bit down hard, and pain exploded through me. But that didn’t make the touch any less intimate.

And then, Reid had to go and make it worse. He pressed his thumb over my clit, making a jolt of pleasure course through me.

Unprepared for the sensation, I couldn’t help but let out a choked gasp.

“You really are a beautiful bitch, aren’t you?” Thorn mused. “You make the prettiest noises.”

“Pretty and deceptive,” Reid said. “Like one of those vipers that pop up when you least expect them.”

“Vipers don’t really make sounds, Reid. At least not like that,” Jax said mellowly, raking his claws over my breast. He didn’t draw blood, but the sensation made my oversensitive nerve endings light up. It felt… It felt good.

This was sick. I shouldn’t have been enjoying their touch. They were murderers who’d torn my family apart in front of me. I should’ve been fighting them off.

Why was I feeling this way? With the few boyfriends I’d had, I’d never experienced this kind of desire. What was going on?

I needed to get a grip. I had to get these werewolves off me. “N-No,” I begged. “Don’t touch me.”

“It’s a little too late for that, bitch,” Reid pointed out. “Besides, you enjoy it.”

“I don’t!” I argued, trying to take refuge in the last threads of my defiance.

I didn’t know who I was trying to convince – them or me – but it didn’t work for any of us. Reid didn’t laugh again, and he didn’t take things further, but he didn’t have to. He just kept touching me, and his intimate caresses were just as ruthless and cruel as everything else about him and his brothers.

His green eyes glinted dangerously, and if I could have, I might have laughed. Because they were the ones who were as poisonous as vipers, not me. I was just the human who hadn’t known better and had ended up trapped in a den of beasts.

My head was full of cotton. I tasted blood in my mouth. I felt both hot and cold, and my lungs were seizing, as if I couldn’t breathe.

Arousal and panic combined inside me, two incompatible responses to their presence that threatened to tear me apart.

I had been scared that they would kill me, and I still was, but in that moment, I was also afraid that they would make me cum and that in the process, they’d squeeze out what little dignity I had left.

“You’re lucky, bitch,” Reid said at last. “Chase is more important. If we didn’t have a funeral to go to, I’d start teaching you a lesson right now.”

After that, his touch was more clinical, rushed, almost detached. Before long, he and the others deemed me as hair-free as I was going to get. Reid pulled away, and Jax dragged me into the hot spring. Moving in quick, efficient motions, he and Thorn bathed my body, and I was so all over the place and overwhelmed that I couldn’t even try to resist anymore.

After what seemed like forever, they were done. Thorn pulled me out of the water and took me in his arms. He wrapped me in a massive towel and draped me over his back, like I was an oversized butterfly cocoon. Was it my impression, or were his hands a little gentler than Reid’s?

Before I could figure out the answer to my dilemma, the four of us made our way back to my cell. I half expected Thorn to throw me down, but instead, he just lowered me to the ground, saying nothing.

Maybe it was their ensuing silence that gave me the courage to speak. As they turned to leave the cell, I called out to them. “Wait! Wait, please!”

The brothers stopped and turned toward me. “What?” Jax asked, arching a dark brow at me.

“What… What’s going to happen to me? You’re not really going to… to turn me into your s-sex slave? Are you?”

I didn’t know what reaction I expected Copyright 2016 - 2024