Captive - Cheryl Brooks Page 0,12


“Tell me your name, and I’ll never call you sweetheart again.”

“Klara Tavock.” Judging from her tone, telling him probably cost her some tooth enamel.

“That wasn’t so hard, now, was it, Klara?” Moe would’ve tapped his chin if his hands had been free. “Klara Tavock… It even has a nice ring to it, although Klara Vladatonsk sounds pretty good too.”

“Hmm… So how did you escape the last time?”

“If you’ll leave the room for a minute or two, I’ll do it again.”

“You seem rather sure of yourself.”

“About some things. Not everything.” Case in point, what would happen when he escaped his bonds only to have her stun him again. Contrary to popular belief, multiple stuns could give the recipient one hell of a headache. That last one the Nedwut hit him with must’ve been a heavy stun. Given the surly nature of their kind, he was surprised he was still alive.

“You’re sure you could get off this planet?” At last, a hint of interest colored her voice.

“Absolutely. You just watch me, sw— um, Klara.”

“Me and my friends?”

“That depends on how many friends you have.”

“Only the ones you already mentioned.”

He exhaled sharply. “I’m good with the Norludian and the Sympaticon. Don’t much care for Racks.”

“I won’t leave—”

“But if you insist, we can take them along,” he added before she could finish.

She stomped her foot. “I don’t know why I’m even listening to you. You’re only trying to save your wretched hide.”

“Can you blame me? This hide may be wretched, but it’s the only hide I have, and I’m kind of attached to it.”

At last, the sound he’d been waiting for, a chuckle—albeit a tiny one—escaped her. “Show me how you got loose and I’ll let you keep it.”

“Okay, but I hope you have a strong stomach. Some people get really weirded out by this.”

“Go ahead,” she said. “I can take it.”

Moe couldn’t see what was tying his feet to the wall, but he was already close to getting his hands free. A few dislocated joints in each hand should do nicely, although he had to admit, it sounded more like breaking bones. Lying on his back made it easier, enabling him to use his own weight as a tool. Once the joints gave way, he slid his hands from the bonds and sat up. His feet were held by a simple manacle. If he’d had something to pick the lock with, he would have taken that route. As it was, he freed his feet in the same manner he’d used with his hands. Seconds later, he was on his feet facing her as his joints popped back into place.

Despite the gun she had pointed at him, she appeared to be impressed, if a little green around the gills. “A remarkable talent.”

“Comes in handy now and then,” he admitted. “Gives my mom the willies whenever I do it, though. She’s human, or it probably wouldn’t bother her so much. Terrans tend to be a little on the squeamish side.” He held out a hand and smiled. “Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Moriconthan Tshevnoe, although most people call me Moe.”

Chapter 4

Klara ignored the hand he held out to her, as well as his smile, or at least tried to. He was attractive enough when unconscious. Awake and smiling, he was—

She gave her head a shake, hoping to banish that thought before it had time to take root and grow. “The only Terrans I’ve ever encountered are the bouncers in Turel’s bar, so I’ve never noticed that particular trait. Perhaps only the females are squeamish.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Moe argued. “I met a guy once who was just as freaked out as Mom. Of course, the fact that I was able to escape meant he lost a bet, so it might have been the money he stood to lose. I’ve never really been sure.”

“I’m assuming you had witnesses,” she drawled.

“Of course. That sort of thing doesn’t work well if done in seclusion. Not on a bet, anyway. There have to be observers, preferably impartial.”

“Perhaps you should’ve had me ask one of my gang to observe.”

He waggled an admonitory finger at her. “Ah, but then I would’ve been outnumbered.”


His shrug was a study in nonchalance. “This next part would’ve been more difficult, but not impossible.”

A second later, he’d pinned her against the wall, his glowing eyes barely a hand’s breadth from hers. In another second, her pistol was in his hand. Klara had never seen anyone of any species move that fast. She hissed Copyright 2016 - 2024