Captive - Cheryl Brooks Page 0,106

up a considerable amount of dust.

“What did we miss?” he yelled.

“Damn near everything,” Moe replied. “Except for the party.”

Temfilk’s feet stopped, his shoulders slumped, and his jaw dropped. “What, no fight?” He sounded as though he were about to cry—that is, if Norludians were capable of shedding tears. To be honest, Klara wasn’t sure if they could.

“Not much of one, anyway,” Moe replied. “Looks like this particular tyrant is going out with a whimper instead of a bang.”

“Not too surprising,” Temfilk said. “He never did have much pizzazz.” His expression brightened. “Gonna look great in prison, though. We should build a fancy cage and put him on display in the arena.”

Moe shook his head. “Exile seems to be the punishment of choice—along with the loss of his assets.”

Temfilk’s lips protruded in a pronounced pout. “I still think the cage is a good idea. At least for a few days. I mean, he threw us in the arena to die. We should return the favor.”

“I see your point, but we have to go with what the locals want,” Moe said. “The majority of the locals, that is.” He hesitated for a long moment, a concerned frown on his face, then glanced at his mother. “Do you suppose they’ve ever actually voted for anything before?”

“Probably not,” Jack replied. “At least, not for a long damn time. They might not even understand the concept of free elections.”

Klara cleared her throat. “Having lived here all my life, I don’t believe I understand the concept myself, although with her accumulated memories, Velkma might.”

“It’s pretty simple, really,” Jack said. “Each adult gets one vote for or against an issue or for a particular candidate who is running for public office. You tally the votes and whatever or whomever gets the most votes wins.”

“Don’t forget that ‘government of the people, by the people, and for the people’ part,” Moe put in. “Unfortunately, while it sounds easy enough in theory, the actual process can sometimes be…chaotic.”

“I certainly hope not,” Temfilk declared. “We’ve had enough chaos around here already!”

“Speaking of chaos,” Klara muttered as her stomach lurched. Slapping a hand across her mouth, she made a dash for the edge of the dusty road just in time to lose what little she’d eaten before being marched into Pelarus’s box at the arena.

Moe rushed to her side, placing an arm around her waist. “Are you okay?”

She wiped her mouth and took a deep breath before trusting herself to stand upright. “Not really. Might have to miss the party.”

“Right, kiddo,” Jack said with a firm nod. “You don’t need a party. You need snard. Now.”

Moe gaped at his mother. “Right now?”

Jack chuckled. “Not out here in the street, but if you were to give her a quick tour of the Tequila Sunrise, I’m sure everything would be hunky-dory in no time.”

“A tour will help this?” Without warning, another paroxysm struck, doubling Klara over with dry heaves.

“I believe she means a tour of the captain’s quarters,” Moe replied. “Specifically, my bed.”

Klara tried to nod, but immediately thought better of it, since her head was already throbbing. “I know you said that snard would prevent this, but how can I possibly have sex when I can’t stop puking my guts out?”

Moe swept her up into his arms and started walking toward his ship. “This first time might be a little tricky, but after that, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble again. I’m not letting you out of my sight until those babies are born—and probably not even after that.” He gave her one of his heart-stopping smiles and began purring. “Have I mentioned how incredible you smell?”

Given the horrible taste in her mouth, Klara doubted she could possibly smell like anything else. Certainly nothing good. “I’ll have to take your word for it.”

“Bite him,” Jack yelled from somewhere in the distance. “A taste of his blood will settle things down temporarily.”

Klara gasped in dismay. “I can’t keep food down and she wants me to taste your blood?”

Moe shrugged. “It’s worth a try. Trust me, after carrying three litters, she would know.”

An upward glance revealed the strong, enticing column of Moe’s neck. If she could just reach it… As her fangs sank into his flesh, she felt a tingle on her tongue. Within seconds, relief flooded her body, a sensation that was quickly followed by a surge of desire.

“Oh yeah,” she growled. “That works very well. Very well, indeed.”

Chapter 28

“You smell even better now.” Moe gave her a squeeze. “Although I didn’t believe Copyright 2016 - 2024