Captain Durant's Countess - By Maggie Robinson Page 0,101

it is born, Reyn. Say I was unfit. A harlot.”

“How could he do that? Surely Henry didn’t make him any kind of guardian or trustee.”

“No, of course not. But he’s the nearest male relative. The courts are sympathetic to the wishes of men, not women. He could claim he was the temporary head of the family until our son reached his majority. I’d have no say in the raising of my own child.”

“That cannot happen, Maris. You are borrowing trouble.”

Jesus, no wonder she was so afraid. But if she married him, that would circumvent any nefarious plans David had, surely?

It was too soon to petition her further for a marriage between them. Whatever he had to do to protect her and their child would be done, one way or another. He would be her White Knight, ribbon or no.

He held her close, wishing the earlier glow of the evening would return. Someone should run David Kelby through and spare them all his machinations.

“I’m sorry I’m such a bundle of nerves. But I’ve had a month to think on all the things that might go wrong. I never expected to find you here, Reyn, and I don’t think I can give you up again.”

“I won’t let you give me up. We’ll figure something out, I promise.” He was a selfish bastard.

But the best thing he could do for the Countess of Kelby would be to drive her home to Hazel Grange and never see her again.

Reyn couldn’t do it. He needed to see her grow large with their child, touch her when she came apart, listen to her worries, and dispatch them as best he could. He hoped he was man enough to manage.

He kissed her forehead. “Let me walk you to the house.”

“Someone might see.”

“They’re all asleep. There was a time when Ginny spent some restless nights, but the danger seems to have passed.”

Maris studied his face. “You took Henry’s job for your sister, and now she’s in health. Are you ever sorry?”

“That I met and fell in love with you? Don’t be ridiculous. Things may not be easy for us right now, but they’ll come about in the end.”

“I wish I could believe that. I don’t see how.”

He didn’t have the first idea either, but wouldn’t let that stop him. “Trust me.”

She smiled. “I do. I hadn’t planned to, either.”

“I remember, and who could blame you? We met under rather inauspicious beginnings. But you’ve improved me, Countess. Who knows? You might even teach me to read at that.”

“I’ll write to Miss Holley tomorrow.”

“Fine.” He’d do whatever took her mind off their troubles. He’d subject himself to the schoolroom again and stand on his head if that’s what it took to distract her. “Off with you then. Mind the cobblestones. I don’t want you stubbing one of your pretty toes.”

“Good night, Reyn.” She stood on those toes to kiss him—a kiss laced with restraint, mindful that it would not take much for him to get her down on his pallet again.

Reyn stood at the stable door as she disappeared through the misty yard and into the side door. The house was in total darkness, and he hoped her toes would be safe all the way up the stairs and to her room.

Bloody hell. He should consult a solicitor; see what rights David Kelby might have over Maris’s child. It had never once occurred to him that the blighter would have a say in anything. But that would arouse suspicion, and that was the last thing Reyn wanted to do.

He sat back down on the crumpled blankets, Maris’s scent overcoming horse and hay. He had told her he loved her, and apart from a flick of her long eyelashes, she’d said nothing.

She wanted him. But could she love him? Reyn almost didn’t care. It would be enough to have her nearby.

Crumbs. With luck and God’s good grace he’d get the whole cake and icing, too.

Breakfast had gone just as it ought, with Maris and Reyn behaving civilized and composed. Toast was crunched, coffee drunk, eggs and bacon consumed over polite conversation, Ginny considerably brighter now that he was not being a rude bastard. Reyn realized he’d been less than a gentleman over dinner, and made certain he behaved himself. No one would guess from his deportment that a few hours earlier he and Maris had rolled around on the floor of his office giving each other unbridled joy.

He intended to drop Maris at her home and continue on to Shere, and Copyright 2016 - 2024